two-dimensional flow

[ˈtudɪˈmɛnʃənəl flo][ˈtu:dɪˈmenʃənəl fləu]


  • A vertical two-dimensional flow model is developed to model the current around pipeline . A scour model is developed to model the change of bed level .

    通过建立一个垂直 二维 紊流模型来模拟管道周围流场.建立泥沙冲刷模型来模拟海床底面变化。

  • Characteristic of the Mathematical Model for Two-Dimensional Flow in Rivers

    河流 平面 二维 水流数学模型的特性

  • By the help of Fluent the C P ?? curves of wind turbine with different structural parameters are obtained after the numerical calculation of the two-dimensional flow field .

    借助于计算流体力学软件Fluent,完成了风力机 二维 流场的数值计算,得到了不同结构参数组合下风力机的CP??曲线。

  • The software FLUENT was employed and the two-dimensional flow field and performance parameters of four hypersonic / inlet models at design and off-design condition are obtained .

    采用FLUENT软件对所设计的进气道设计点和非设计点 二维 流场和性能进行了数值模拟。

  • Based on the simplified two-dimensional flow equations the computer program for the direct problem is developed .

    根据简化的 二维 流动方程,编写了正问题的计算机程序。

  • The tuning and stability behavior of cavities in which two-dimensional flow and temperature variations exist are predicted through the application of an iterative method .

    通过迭代计算研究了 二维 流动和温度分布变化对声腔调谐和稳定性能的影响。

  • A horizontal soap film tunnel for studying two-dimensional flow at small Reynolds number

    用于小Re数 流动 显示研究的水平式肥皂膜水洞

  • Two-dimensional flow field around the cross Section of gas rudder in gas flow direction is calculated .

    对燃气舵沿气流方向的横截面进行其外围的 二维 流场计算。

  • SIMPLE algorithm using finite volume method for solving two-dimensional flow field easily expanded to unstructured grid .

    采用SIMPLE算法,有限容积法求解 二维 流场,容易拓展为非结构化网格。

  • The Interaction between Flexible Plates and Fluid in Two-dimensional Flow

    二维 流场中板状柔性体与流体相互作用的研究

  • According to the phenomenon of the plasma spray jet the three-dimensional plasma jet will be reduced to two-dimensional axisymmetric plasma jet to make five basic assumptions . On this basis the mathematical equations are established for two-dimensional flow field of plasma jet . 3 .

    根据等离子体喷涂射流现象,将三维等离子体射流简化为二维轴对称等离子体射流,作出五个基本假设,并在此基础上建立了等离子体射流 二维 流场的数学控制方程。

  • In this paper it is used hybrid finite analytic method and staggered grid to calculate two-dimensional flow field in the high-lying well of M2 sewage pump station .

    本文应用了N-S方程的混合有限分析法与交错网格的思想,模拟了上海市合流污水治理二期工程M2污水泵站高位井的 平面 流场

  • Programs are compiled in FORTRAN to compute one - and two-dimensional flow fields of PDE ;

    利用FORTRAN语言编制数值计算程序,并对一维流场与 二维 流场进行数值模拟;

  • This paper seeks for the line source and cylindrical plane source solutions of unsteady axisymmetrical two-dimensional flow through infinite and finite reservoirs with triple porosity .

    本文求得了三重介质轴对称 二维不定常 渗流的线源解和有限封闭地层的面源解。

  • In order to study the proppant transport in hydraulic fracturing a two-dimensional transport equation for proppant and a two-dimensional flow equation for slurry are presented including the effects of settling velocity of proppant .

    为了研究水力压裂中支撑剂输送过程,本文建立了支撑剂二维输送方程,以及含砂液的 二维 运动方程。

  • Study on Two-dimensional Flow and Temperature Field of the Radiative Chamber of a Cylindrical Pipe Furnace

    管式圆筒炉辐射室 二维 流场和温度场的研究

  • The finite difference method for numerical selection of steady incompressible laminar layers in two-dimensional flow is suggested .

    本文提出了一个求解二 定型不可压缩 层流附面层数值解的方法。

  • Application and Experimental Investigation of Two-dimensional Flow Theory in Desing of Submerged Pump


  • Numerical study of ejector performance with two-dimensional flow model

    二维 流动模型的喷射器性能分析研究

  • This paper established a two-dimensional flow numerical model with the DSI method to discretize the shallow water equations and then the shooting method to solve the discretized equation group .

    本文建立了正交曲线网格下的通澄长河段 二维 水流数学模型。在模型中,利用DSI法离散浅水方程,并采用追赶法对离散的方程组进行迭代求解。

  • In numerical calculation an explicit forward finite element technique is applied in the two-dimensional flow equation and an explicit direct finite difference technique in the thermodiffusion equation .

    在数值计算中,对 二维 水流方程采用显式迎流有限元方法,对平面热扩散方程采用显式直接差分法,并对这两种方法进行了耦合计算。

  • Two-dimensional flow mathematical model was built to calculate the lateral distribution of the flow velocity in compound section and the result of calculation was proved by flume experiment .

    根据建立的 二维 水流数学模型,进行了复式断面横向流速分布的模拟计算,以水槽试验资料予以验证。

  • The two-dimensional flow field calculation software is developed by simple numerical method for determining the velocity distribution in the modul of MPC system .

    本研究中,应用Simple数值计算方法开发了求解MPC系统模块结构中 二维 流场分布的计算软件。

  • Study of a two-dimensional flow model on design and analysis of ejector key structure

    二维 流动模型用于喷射器关键结构设计分析

  • In this paper finite volume method on non-orthogonal grids is described and is applied to the numerical simulation of two-dimensional flow in a scour pool with standard k - ε turbulence model .

    结合多重网格法,采用非正交同位网格下的有限体积法,选用标准k-ε紊流模型对挑 冲坑内 流场进行了 二维数值模拟。

  • The optimization problem of sediment disposal engineering plans down floodgate near estuary is researched . The theoretical equations that describe two-phase flows including water and bed sand are put forward . For silt estuary the two-dimensional flow and sediment mathematical model are set up to optimize desilting plans .

    为优化河口防潮闸下清淤工程方案,提出了以两相流方程描述底沙运动的理论模式,建立了泥质河口 二维 水流、泥沙数学模型,并优化独 减河口闸下清淤工程方案。

  • Influence of structural parameters upon two-dimensional flow field in the ejector secondary emission

    结构参数对喷射器内 二维 流场的影响ph.1.【电】二次发射,次级发射

  • In this paper the K - ε - E model and the finite analytic method are applied to predicting the two-dimensional flow near the right angle gate slot .

    本文应用KεE模型与有限解析法对 二维方角门槽附近的 流动情况进行了预测。

  • Two-dimensional flow was dealt with using the method of functions of complex variables .

    运用复变函数论方法处理了 二维 流动

  • In this paper a brief introduction to the mathematical model for two-dimensional flow in rivers is given .

    本文对我们建立的河道 平面 二维 水流数学模型进行了简介。