


  • The sea-going eunuchs fell from favour ( Zheng 's missions were staggeringly costly ) and by1500 it was a capital offence to go to sea in a two-masted ship without permission .

    到了公元1500年,未经批准而 驾驶 拥有 的船 出海航行是死罪。

  • The taller mast whether forward or aft of a two-masted sailing vessel .

    主桅 双桅帆船中较高的桅杆,无论是 位于船头的还是船尾的 个有 的船 直角 前桅并且船头和船尾在主桅上。我向船尾走去,来到了主桅前。

  • They set sail Saturday afternoon aboard his70-foot two-masted schooner named the Schooner Anne from a Hudson River marina in North Hoboken in bright sunshine and temperatures in the70s .

    周六下午, 人登上了 SchoonerAnne,一条长七十英尺的, 纵帆船,从北Hoboken的哈得孙河码头出发。阳光明媚,气温为70多华氏度。

  • Two-masted vessel square-rigged on both masts .

    在两个桅杆上有两个正方形的有 的船。