


  • Chromomycosis Caused by Phialophora Verrucosa : a Case Report and Ubiquinone System and DNA Sequence Analysis of Pathogen

    疣状瓶霉致皮肤着色真菌病一例及致病菌的 辅酶 Q和DNA序列测定

  • AIM : To observe the effects of four drugs ligustrazine ( Lig ) tanshinone ⅱ A ( Tan ) ubiquinone ( Ubi ) and idebenone ( Ide ) on learning and memory of mouse .

    目的:观察川芎嗪、丹参酮ⅡA、 和艾地苯醌四个药物对小鼠学习记忆的影响。

  • The ratio of reduction level of ubiquinone decreased at drought stress and it also resulted in the activities of all complex decreased in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana .

    还原态 的比例下降,各复合体活性也因干旱胁迫而下降。

  • Electron flow via the cyt pathway is coupled to ATP production whereas electron transfer through the alternative pathway branches from the cyt pathway at the ubiquinone pool and reduces oxygen to water without conservation of energy in the form of ATP which is lost as heat .

    电子流通过细胞色素途径,偶联ATP的生成,而电子在细胞色素途径的 分支,转入交替 氧化途径, 结合氧气,生成水。

  • Objective To establish a new chemotaxonomic method of fungi to analyse ubiquinone system of different clinical isolates of Sporothrix schenckii .

    目的探讨一种真菌化学分类的新方法,了解申克孢子丝菌不同临床株的 辅酶 Q系统。

  • The binding of succinate dehydrogenase with the mitochondrial inner membrane & the effect of ubiquinone

    琥珀酸脱氢酶与线粒体内膜的结合& 的影响

  • Complex ⅱ & Succinate : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ;

    复合体Ⅱ&琥珀酸: 氧化还原酶;

  • Decaprenyl diphosphate ( decaprenyl PP ) synthase catalyzes the consecutive condensation of isopentenyl diphosphate with allylic diphosphate to produce decaprenyl PP which is used for the side chain of ubiquinone ( Q ) 10 . The genomic DNA of Gluconobacter oxydans was digested with Eco RI .

    聚十异戊烯焦磷酸合成酶催化异戊烯二磷酸与丙烯基二磷酸发生连续的缩合反应生成聚十异戊烯焦磷酸,构成 辅酶 Q10的侧链。

  • Ubiquinone was the mother-compound of the synthesis of coenzyme Q_ ( 10 ) .


  • Solanesol is an important material for synthesizing ubiquinone .

    茄尼醇是合成 药物的重要中间体。

  • Study on the Synthesis of Ubiquinone ( CoQ10 ) Research on the Synthesis of Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinone


  • The compositions of ubiquinone and menaquinone were determined directly using combined information of retention time UV spectrum and mass spectrum without any standard samples .

    利用保留时间、UV光谱和质谱在没有任何标样的情况下可以确认 和甲基萘醌的成分。

  • Pig heart muscle preparations were treated with acetone containing 4 % water to remove ubiquinone and a portion of lipids . The Q-depleted particles lose their ability to reduce cytochrome c and the activity can be restored by adding Q to the assay mixture .

    猪心肌制剂经含水4%丙酮抽提除去 Q)及部分脂后,其琥珀酸细胞色素c还原酶活力丧失,但在反应系统中添加Q可恢复此活力。

  • Study of ubiquinone content in myocardium of patients with Keshan disease

    克山病人心肌组织中 辅酶 Q含量的研究

  • Coenzyme Q10 also known as Ubiquinone is an essential component of our cells which promotes energy production .

    辅酶Q10,即 ,是细胞促进能力产生的主要成分。

  • Metabolic Regulation of Growth and Ubiquinone Biosynthesis of Suspension Roselle Cell

    悬浮培养玫瑰茄细胞的生长及 合成的代谢调控

  • Ubiquinone ( Coenzyme Q ) known as a carrier of electrons and protons is a redox-active lipid essential in aerobic respiration .


  • Study on Ubiquinone Compounds for Electron Carriers in Fish Heart

    鳙鱼心中电子载体 化合物的研究

  • Ubiquinone System Analysis of Sporothrix Schenckii by HPLC Assay

    HPLC法检测申克孢子丝菌的 辅酶 Q系统

  • Study on Synthesis Process of Ubiquinone

    辅酶 Q 0的合成工艺研究

  • Progress on ubiquinone and its relationship with sports

    辅酶 Q及其与运动关系的研究进展

  • Protective effect of compound radix salviae miltiorrhizae and ubiquinone _ ( 10 ) for respiration chain in myocardial mitochondria

    辅酶 Q(10)和复方丹参对心肌线粒体呼吸链的保护作用

  • Oxidative phosphorylation System of the respiratory chain is composed of five protein lipid enzyme complexes : Complex ⅰ NADH : Ubiquinone oxidoreductase ;

    呼吸链的氧化磷酸化.系统由五种蛋白质脂类的酶复合体组成:复合体ⅠNADH: 氧化还原酶;

  • Advances of Studies on Ubiquinone Derivatives


  • The Effect of Selenium and Manganese on Content of Ubiquinone in Myocardium of Rats

    硒、锰对大鼠心肌 辅酶 Q含量的影响