


  • The crystallinity and the lamellar thickness are not consistent with those in two-phase system .

    结晶度和片层厚度与 两相系统中的结果不一致。

  • Influence of a nonionic surfactant on the relationships between capillary pressure and saturation in two-phase system ;

    非离子表面活性剂对 两相系统毛细压力和饱和度关系的影响;

  • This article explains the new two-phase detach behavior and lists some frequently asked questions around it .

    本文解释了新的 阶段分离行为,并列出了相关的常见问题解答。

  • A wire-mesh capacitance tomography of two-phase flow distribution is presented .

    提出一种 两相流相分布的网丝电容层析成像方法。

  • This numerical method is the solution of full coupled two-phase flow .

    这是一个 两相完全耦合的数值解方法。

  • A direct numerical simulation for threedimensional gas-solid two-phase wake flow of a non-uniform inflow has been carried out .

    对非均匀来流三维气固 两相尾迹流动做了直接数值模拟。

  • In summary the two-phase commit protocol and the resource managers combine to make transactions atomic and durable .

    总的来说, 阶段提交协议和资源管理器相结合,使事务成为原子的和持久的。

  • Surface active agents-Determination of anionic surface active agents and soaps in detergents and cleansers-potentiometric two-phase titration method .

    清洁剂和洗涤剂中阴离子表面活性剂和单一脂肪酸的测定。电位 两相滴定法。

  • Experimental study and numerical model of gas-liquid two-phase flow in aeration tank

    曝气池中气液 两相流的数值模拟与实验研究

  • The steam-water two-phase flow instability in vertical parallel pipes was studied experimentally in the high pressure steam-water test loop .

    在高压汽水回路上对垂直并联管中汽液 两相流不稳定性进行了试验研究。

  • In this paper a DISPAR algorithm for dense liquid-solid two-phase flow is developed .

    冲刷腐蚀过程的综合模型可以分解为液固 两相流动模型、冲刷模型和腐蚀模型。

  • We consider an M / G / 1 retrial queue with two-phase service and unreliable server .

    研究了一个具有 次多选择服务和不可靠服务台的M/G/1重试排队系统。

  • A two-phase process using both symmetric and asymmetric algorithms .

    使用对称算法和非对称算法的 阶段过程。

  • This paper describes the Swirler type two-phase flow meter composition work principles indoor and field application .

    本文详细介绍了旋流型汽水 两相流量计的结构组成、工作原理、室内及现场应用情况。

  • Vertical and inclined upward oil-water two-phase flow patterns can be classified by the method of Multi-scale Entropy effectually .

    多尺度熵分析方法可以有效地区分垂直和倾斜上升管内油水 两相流流型。

  • Fluids project is a massively distributed computer simulation of two-phase fluid behavior in microgravity and microfluidics problems .

    是一个大型分布式计算项目,主要模拟微重力环境下 两相流体的行为和微流体问题。

  • The CFX10.0 is one kind of CFD commercial software used to simulate vapor-liquid two-phase medium .

    运用CFD商业软件CFX10.0对带纵向涡发生器的窄间隙矩形 通道 的汽液 两相介质进行了模拟计算。

  • METHODS A new chiral separation technology two-phase ( O / W ) recognition chiral extraction was used .

    方法运用新的手性分离技术 - (O/W)识别手性萃取。

  • For one and two-phase faults unlimited .

    无限制的单相和 二相故障。

  • Numerical simulation and experimental study on the impulse gas-liquid two-phase jet atomization

    脉冲气液 两相射流雾化的数值模拟和试验研究

  • Two-phase locking protocol and tree locking protocol can be implemented on this system .

    在此基础上可以实现 阶段锁协议和树协议。

  • In this paper the study for the two-phase hybrid stepper motor as a position sensor is investigated .

    针对 二相混合式步进电机固有的特点,对其作为连续角位移测量传感器进行了深入的研究。

  • Level-set Method for Two-phase Incompressible Fluid Interface Dynamics ;

    levelset方法在 两相不可压缩流体分界面动力学中的应用稳态热流和不可压缩流体的流动可相比拟。

  • The frictional pressure drop of gas-liquid two-phase flow in an inclined tube is studied experimentally .

    本文对倾斜管中气一液 两相流摩擦压降进行了试验研究。

  • Experimental Study on Propagation Characteristics of Acoustic Wave in Gas-solid Two-phase Flow

    声波在气固 两相流介质中传播特性的实验研究

  • The pulp mass flowmeter a kind of mass flowmeter metering liquid-solid two-phase mixtures has been developed successfully recently .

    纸浆质量流量计是新研制成功的一种液固 两相质量流量计。

  • The performance of the combination of Venturi meter and turbine flowmeter in liquid-liquid two-phase flow measurement was investigated .

    本文研究了运用单相流量计组合进行液液 两相流参数测量的方法。