two-photon transition

[化] 双量子跃迁,双光子跃迁

  • Meanwhile the maximum two-photon transition probability is obtained by choosing the best shaping function under the resonance case .

    近共振时,选择最佳相位函数对脉冲整形,可获得最大的 光子 跃迁几率。

  • It is also shown that when the one-photon transition and the two-photon transition is balanced the maximum current injection efficiency is achieved .

    还证明了只有当单光子跃迁和 光子 跃迁相平衡时才能获得最大的电流注入效率。

  • Quantum Properties of Light in The System of Two-mode Squeezing Vacuum Field Interacting with N-type Four-level Atom in Two-photon Transition

    双模压缩真空场与N型四能级原子 光子 跃迁相互作用系统中光场的量子特性

  • First We set up the two-photon Planck radiation equation then give a new definition of Einsient probability coefficients calculate the two-photon transition probability and analyze the results .

    给出爱因斯坦几率系数的新定义;进而计算了 光子自发 跃迁几率,并对结果作了分析讨论。

  • The long-time behavior of squeezing of intense coherent light is studied with off-resonance Jaynes-Cummings model . The interaction between field and atom includes both one-photon transition type and two-photon transition type .

    利用Jaynes-Cummings(缩写为J-C)模型研究了失谐情况下强相干光的长时间挤压行为,其中原子与光场的作用包括单 光子 跃迁 光子 跃迁两种情况。

  • The concept of transition cross section is re-examined in two-photon process . The rate equations and the relevant transition cross sections are good approximation in the region where the diagonal elements of the density matrix change slowly with time .

    重新检验了 光子过程中跃迁截面的概念:当密度矩阵中对角元随时间的变化缓慢时,速率方程和相关的 跃迁截面是很好的近似。

  • Time-evolution of fidelity of quantum information in J-C model with one-photon transition or two-photon transition was compared .

    还着重比较了单光子跃迁和 光子 跃迁J-C模型中不同的失谐量和初始平均 光子数对系统, 原子和光场的量子信息保真度演化的影响。

  • The results show that the Doppler background due to the near resonance of the intermediate level is eliminated and the signal of two-photon transition can be distinguished from saturation absorption .

    计算结果表明它能有效地克服中间能级近共振所产生的多普勒背景,并有效地区分 光子饱和吸收讯号和 光子 跃迁讯号。

  • Finally the two-photon transition is studied using the research method of spontaneous emission in quantum electrodynamics .

    最后用QED中研究光场辐射的方法研究此四能级系统的 光子 跃迁

  • Selection of upper level for two-photon transition

    光子 跃迁上能级的选择

  • The calculation of two-photon spontaneous transition probability

    光子自发 跃迁几率计算

  • Effects of Dynamic Stark Shift on Quantum Information Fidelity in Two-photon Transition

    光子 跃迁中动态Stark位移对量子信息保真度的影响