


  • Tool that performs the first step of the two-step migration process .

    执行 步骤迁移过程的第一步的工具。

  • Determining financial viability is usually a two-step process .

    确定财务生存能力通常有一个 方法。

  • Methotrexate and misoprostol use is a two-step method .

    甲氨蝶呤和米索前列醇使用是一个 的方法。

  • Generally compared with on-line DELAY-SPT algorithm the algorithm based on two-step rolling is superior .

    一般情况下,与在线算法 DELAY-SPT比较,滚动调度算法是比较优的。

  • Debugging is a two-step process .

    侦错是 步骤的程序。

  • The two-step fermentation conditions of opioid peptide expressed in Pichia pastoris were studied .

    研究了由毕赤酵母胞内 发酵法表达活性小分子阿片肽的条件。

  • Abstract : In this paper a two-step method for purifying non-concentrated wet-process phosphoric acid was developed .

    文摘:采用 步法对未经浓缩的湿法磷酸进行净化研究。

  • A novel two-step commutation method is proposed to ensure the reliable commutation between two bi-directional switches .

    提出了一种新颖的 换流策略实现了双向功率开关间的可靠换流。

  • Re-study on the two-step chemical reaction model in numerical simulation of gaseous detonation

    对数值模拟气相爆轰中 阶段化学反应模型再研究

  • For this approach to work Helios uses a two-step compilation process .

    为了让这个方法起作用,Helios使用了 的编译过程。

  • I see one major advantage in this two-step approach namely that XSLT is a standard with many choices .

    我注意到这种 步骤方法中有一个主要优点,即XSLT是一个具有许多选项的标准。

  • Installing samples is a two-step process .

    安装示例的过程 个步骤。

  • Registration is a two-step process .


  • This two-step process is repeated until all the seats are filled .


  • So writing a program at least in this language is a two-step process .

    用这种语言写一个至少需要, 完成的小程序。

  • The silica with secondary particle structure was prepared by a two-step process and its properties were investigated .

    采用 工艺法制备具有二次微粒结构的白炭黑,并对其性能进行研究。

  • This paper presents a general test vector translation model based on the two-step translation method .


  • Now that you 've learned the menu two-step it is time for the toolbar one-step .

    现在,你已经开始了菜单学习的 ,现在是时候到工具栏这一步了。

  • The two-step heating carbonization process was used to prepare highly activated wood charcoal .

    介绍了 炭化法制备高活性木炭工艺。

  • The influence of the hemolysis specimens in ELISA on HBVM by one-step method and two-step method

    溶血标本在ELISA一步法和 步法中对HBVM测定结果的影响

  • A two-step on-line data rectification method for material balance is presented .

    提出一种 进行物料平衡的实时数据校正方法。

  • A two-step optimal design method based on the integer coding genetic algorithm for tree-type pipe network is proposed .

    针对 树状管网布置中较多依赖设计人员经验的特点,提出了一种基于整数编码遗传算法的树状管网 优化方法。

  • To solve the instability of the equivalent factor a novel two-step calibration method is proposed .

    为了解决等效因子的不稳定性,提出了一种 标定法。

  • Controlling access to application functionality is a two-step process .

    控制对应用程序功能的访问是一个 步骤的过程。

  • A two-step method based on residual force vector is presented for structural damage identification .

    提出了一个考虑模态噪声影响的基于残余力向量法的损伤识别 步法

  • Producing the UI version of the widget is a two-step process .

    生成小部件的UI版本需要 个步骤。

  • XFS handles allocation by breaking it into a two-step process .

    XFS通过将分配过程分成 步骤来处理。

  • Finally two-step marker results are fused and the image is segmented with a marker-based watershed algorithm .

    最后融合 图像中心区域标记结果,采用基于标记的分水岭分割算法进行图像分割。

  • To allow our view to make use of this content extension is another two-step process .

    让视图使用内容扩展需要执行另外 个步骤。

  • The recovery of silver from waste electronic parts by two-step electrolysis method with rotary cylinder as cathode is discussed .

    研究了用旋转圆筒作阴极, 电解法回收废电子元器件中的银。