
[tu stɑr][tu: stɑ:]


  • Since 2000 Chinese hotel industry has developed rapidly . By 2009 there have been 14639 star hotels including 506 five-star hotels 2057 four-star hotels 6215 three-star hotels 5450 two-star hotels and 411 one-star hotels .

    自2000年以来,中国酒店业进入了高速发展阶段,2009年底,全国星级酒店总数14639家,其中五星级506家,四星级2057家,三星级 6215家; 星级5450家,一 星级411家。

  • Bandwidth for two-star spectrum autocorrelation

    立方体的谱 双星的带宽

  • There are several choices for aligning and I usually use the two-star auto alignment .

    这里有很多种方式来校准,我经常使用 两星自动校准。

  • The load sharing of two-star helical gear train is important to be studied .

    所以很有必要对 型齿轮传动 系统 特性进行研究。

  • It 's a two-star hotel but good enough for me .

    虽然只是一个 两星的旅馆,但对于我已经足够了。

  • Two-star Pattern Recognition Method in Small Field of View in the Fixed Sky-area

    固定 天区小视场星跟踪器两颗星识别方法

  • A gunman dressed in an Afghan army uniform opened fire on allied troops killing a US army two-star major general and wounding 15 coalition troops including a German brigadier general and two Afghan generals .

    一名身穿阿富汗军服的枪手向联军开火,导致一名美军 二星 少将 身亡还有15 士兵受伤,包括一名德国军队准将和两名阿富汗将军。

  • Some personnel executives complained that many college graduates they had interviewed here had two-star abilities with five-star ambitions .

    一些人事经理抱怨,在他们面试过的大学毕业生中, 其中不少人都是 眼高手低 好高骛远

  • The two-star pattern recognition method is researched on the small field of view provided that the sky-area to be observed is fixed .

    研究了在观测 天区固定的前提下,小视场星跟踪器视场内只有两颗观测 时的 星图模式识别算法。

  • A three-star hotel is better than a two-star .

    三星级宾馆比 星级宾馆要好。