


  • The characteristics of economic legal relations are duality structure and twoness .

    二元结构是 ,经济法律关系是 性质 完全 不同的权利 义务体系构成:其一是,作为社会经济整体代表的经济 机关在经济法律活动中形成的权利 义务体系;

  • Twoness and Modern Transform of Filial Piety Tao

    传统孝道的 二重性及现代转化

  • This has happy and sad sad happy twoness it differs from the general comedy also differs from pure tragedy .

    这种喜中有悲,悲中有喜的 二重性,使它不同于一般的喜剧也不同于纯粹的悲剧。

  • How to deal with their twoness and how to build up a harmonious relationship between black men and women are noticeable questions if African-Americans will achieve a better life and realize their dream .

    为了更好的生活,为了实现黑人的梦想,他们应该怎样对待自己的 双重 身份应该怎样建立和谐的男女关系都是值得深思的问题。

  • This part spreads from the category of capital the connotation and extension of national capital combines the theory of twoness of capital analyses the twoness of national capital .

    本部分从资本范畴及国有资本的内涵与外延展开,结合资本的 二重性理论,对国有资本的二重性进行了分析。

  • Don 't say a syllable about the infernal twoness .

    千万别谈地狱的 二元论

  • These new roles show the twoness of the peasants'identities and occupations .

    这些角色体现出农民身份与职业的 二重性现状。

  • With the rapid development of contemporary science and technology the twoness of sci tech achievements has aroused people 's popular attention .

    现代科技发展日新月异,科技成果 二重性问题己引起人们的普遍关注。

  • On Twoness of Communication of Aesthetic Tasting between Spread and Oppression

    张扬与压抑之间 &浅析审美传达的 二重性

  • View on system theory the school is an organizational system with twoness structure which includes administration personnel teachers and students .

    从系统论的视角看,学校是一个具有 二重性结构的组织系统。行政管理人员、教师、学生 共同 组成学校组织系统中的 主体 角色

  • A Tentative Study on the Twoness of Science and Technology and the Scientists ' Ethical Responsibility to Society

    科技成果 二重性与科学家社会伦理责任初探

  • The author holds that scientific labor bears the character of twoness and people must pay attention to study the concrete form and special rule of scientific labor of modern times .

    文章认为科学劳动具有 二重性特征,应注意研究现代科学劳动的具体形式与特殊规律。