two-position control


  • A logical extension of the two-position control mode is to provide several rather than two intermediate settings of the controller 's output .

    位置 控制器模型的合理扩展是能够提供若干个(多于两个)控制器输出的中间设定。

  • The same contactors are used for ordinary two-position control .

    普通 控制中采用相同的接触器。

  • It is described in this paper that how to use two-position relay to solve simulation design of contact of CB in control circuit of simulation substation .

    介绍在仿真变电站断路器 控制回路仿真设计中,如何利用 位置继电器解决断路器机构触点仿真设计的问题。

  • 8-way power-adjustable driver seat with power lumbar support and two-position memory control Move the rear seats forward and take off the head rest fold down the electric back rest the seats are changed into a double bed in no time .

    双前座8向电动椅,驾驶座电动木质扶手驾驶座附2 记忆将后排座椅往前挪一 ,摘下头枕,翻下电动 靠背,立即呈现一张宽大舒适的双人床。

  • The two-position operating mechanism brings convenience for unloading observation and reasonable control of unloading speed .

    位置操作机构,方便观察卸料情况,合理 控制卸料速度。