ultrasound wave

[ˈʌltrəˌsaʊnd wev][ˌʌltrəˈsaund weiv]


  • The Experimental Research of Sonodynamic Effect and Ventricular Function after Treatment on Rabbit Myocardium by Focused Ultrasound Wave Activating Hematoporphyrin

    聚焦 超声激活血卟啉对活体兔心肌声动力效应和血流动力学影响的实验研究

  • Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by S doped TiO_2 nanoparticles in combination with ultrasound wave in visible light

    超声 -S/TiO2纳米颗粒可见光催化协同降解亚甲基蓝

  • A single bubble in liquid can be levitated by a standing ultrasound wave and pulsate periodically . The sound energy is highly concentrated and turns to light . This phenomenon is called single-bubble sonoluminescence ( SBSL ) .

    单泡声致发光(SBSL)是液体中的单一气泡在 超声 驻波场中稳定悬浮,并随超声波作周期性地脉动,将声能量高度集中而发光的现象。

  • The results indicate that for magnesium spinel brick which physical and chemical change do not occur at the temperature range of experiment it is practicable to determine and compare thermal shock construction damage by use of ultrasound wave flaw detector .

    结果表明,对于在实验温度范围内不发生物理化学变化的耐火材料,如镁尖晶石砖,用 超声波探伤仪测定其热震结构损伤具有可行性;

  • Ultrasound wave method is prior to thermal reflux method on pine seed oil extraction .

    对热回流法和 超声波提取松籽油的方法进行了 对比,结果表明: 超声波 辅助提取松籽油是一种较为理想的方法。

  • Objective : To comparatively study the efficacy of ultrasound wave therapy combined with non steroid anti inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) vs NSAIDs or ultrasound wave therapy alone in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis .

    目的:对比研究 超声波联合非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)与传统NSAIDs治疗老年膝关节骨关节炎(OA)的临床疗效。

  • The dual-frequency confocal ultrasound wave can produce a radiation force of low frequency in the confocal volume that locates inside tissue .

    使用双频共焦 超声波可以对位于生物组织内部的共焦区组织施加低频的振动辐射力。

  • The saponins from waste residue of the soybeans were extracted by soxhlet method ultrasound wave and ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction using yield as the index .

    以大豆废渣为原料,大豆皂苷产率为评价指标,采用索氏提取法、 超声波法、超声波与有机溶剂联合提取法进行了提取分离大豆皂苷的实验研究。

  • This model of sound absorption not only confines the radiation direction of ultrasound wave of target subject but also restricts the receipt angle of unfocused transducer to a small range .

    该吸声模型不仅能够在一定程度上限制目标样本的 超声辐射方向,更可有效地将非聚焦超声传感器的声接收角度限制到一很小角度的范围内。

  • Effect of Ultrasound Wave Treatment on the Persimmon Quality and Micro-Structure during Storage


  • Methods The ventricular myocardium in 10 anaesthetized canines was ablated by transcatheter ultrasound wave with freqency of 10 4 MHz . The depth and shape of the ablated lesions were observed and the temperature at the ablation site was measured .

    方法用 10.4MHz 超声导管 消融10只活体犬心肌,观察消融深度、形态和温度变化及其与射频消融心肌效应的差异。

  • Repairing the integrated circuit of the controlling emitting and receiving ultrasound wave in HITACHI EUB-26 ultrasound B system

    日立 EUB-26B超超声发射与接收控制电路修理三法

  • The effect of ultrasound wave on yield of products was investigated and the structure and compositions of the as-prepared products were characterized by IR and element analysis .

    考察 超声波 作用对合成产物产率的影响,用红外光谱及元素分析表征合成产物的结构;

  • The physical mechanism of Ultrasonic cleaning is ultrasound shock wave of air . In order to achieve good results acoustic parameters and the physical and chemical properties of appropriate cleaning agentia must be selected .

    超声清洗的物理机制主要是 超声 空化,所以要达到良好的效果必须选择合适的声学参数和清洗剂的物理化学性质。

  • Morphology Structure Changes of Cellulose Fibers Brought About by Ultrasound Wave Treatment


  • The rehabilitation therapy included traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion scalp needle brain ultrasound wave function exercise psychic therapy etc. The rate of effect reached 83.8 % .

    高海拔地区康复治疗包括:中药治疗、针灸及头皮针治疗、脑 超声 治疗、功能锻炼、心理治疗等综合方法,其疗效高达83.8%。

  • It indicated that the diagnostic ultrasound wave might affect the metabolism of Cu and Zn elements of the mice .

    提示诊断 超声对小鼠铜、锌元素代谢有一定影响。

  • Along with the development of medical technology and the growing problem of orally drug side-effects ultrasound wave which has fewer side effects a simple means distinctive feature gradually shows the superiority .

    随着医疗技术的发展和内服药物副作用问题的不断出现, 超声波这种副作用少、简便易行、独具特色、疗效好的外治法逐渐凸显出优越性。

  • In the experiment of measuring sound velocity the result of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation is identical to the experimental result with consideration of the energy loss of ultrasound wave in propagation and reflection .

    在声速测量实验中,考虑到 超声波在传播与反射过程中的能量损耗,理论分析与数值模拟的结果与实验一致。

  • Compared with conventional ultrasonic testing techniques ultrasound Lamb wave has great advantage and plays an important position in nondestructive testing .

    超声Lamb 与常规的超声检测相比有很大的优势,使它在无损检测中占有重要的位置。

  • AIM : To investigate the biological effect of low intensive pulsed ultrasound wave ( LIPUS ) on human periosteal cells in vitro from cell level and analyze the possible action pathway of LIPUS wave so as to provide experimental evidence for the reasonable clinical application .

    目的:从细胞水平探讨低强度脉冲 超声波对体外分离培养的人骨膜细胞的生物学效应,分析低强度脉冲超声波可能的作用途径,为合理化的临床应用提供实验依据。

  • Study on the extraction of Polyphenols Substance ( PS ) from Kujingcha was carried out by ultrasound wave and the effects of experimental factors on experimental results were discussed .


  • Objective : To determine whether diagnostic ultrasound wave irradiations do harm to the fetus of second trimester of pregnancy and to establish the safe threshold dose .

    目的:探讨诊断用 超声波 中孕宫内胎儿 检查是否安全及安全阈值剂量。

  • Clinical Effectiveness of Ultrasound Wave Therapy Combined with Non-steroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis


  • Clinical analysis of mm ultrasound wave together with diclofenac diethylamine emulsion to treat temporomandibular joint disorders

    毫米 联合 双氯芬酸二乙胺治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病临床分析

  • The reflux method was better than microwave-assisted extraction compared with Soxhlet extraction method and ultrasound wave method . There were significant differences in the determination of its antioxidant activity ( P < 0.05 ) .

    抗氧化活性测定发现,以回流液的抗氧化能力最强,其次是微波,二者与 超声和索氏的相比有显著性差异(P<0.05);

  • Effects of Ultrasound Wave Pretreatment on Structure Changes of PPTA Fibers


  • Determination of the thermal shock structure damage of refractories by ultrasound wave flaw detector


  • Ultrasound wave has been widely utilized in various industries for its physical and sonochemistry effects .
