ultrasonic cleaning

[ˌʌltrəˈsɑnɪk ˈklinɪŋ][ˌʌltrəˈsɔnɪk ˈkli:nɪŋ]


  • The stress of root canal wall during ultrasonic cleaning : a 3-D finite element analysis

    超声 冲洗对根管壁应力影响的三维有限元分析

  • Contrast application finds that the ultrasonic cleaning is the best method is melt cutting and edge finishing as well as cleaning .

    通过对比指出网圈的熔切锁边和 清洗方法以 超声波法为最好。

  • Ultrasonic cleaning machines is mainly made up of ultrasonic generator and ultrasonic transducer .

    超声波 清洗机主要由超声波发生器和超声波换能器组成,本文重点介绍超声波发生器。

  • Influence of Transducer Arrangement Number on Characteristics of Sound Field in Ultrasonic Cleaning Tank

    换能器布阵数量对 超声 清洗声场特性的影响

  • The electroless Ni plating on Fe-based powder metallurgy articles was continuously carried out with pretreatments of pore sealing by immersing in zinc stearate in vacuum and ultrasonic cleaning .

    采用真空硬脂酸锌浸渍封孔及 超声波 清洗前处理,对铁基粉末冶金件连续化学镀镍。

  • Application of Ultrasonic Cleaning Technique to Motor and Motor Pump

    超声波 清洗工艺在电机、电泵上的应用

  • The effect of cavitation noise radiated from ultrasonic cleaning tank on learning and memory in rats is studied .

    探讨了 超声 清洗空化噪声对大白鼠学习记忆能力的影响。

  • The entire water-based environmentally ultrasonic cleaning process .

    全水基环保 超声波 清洗工艺。

  • Medical treatment : hemodialyzer heart and lung ultrasonic cleaning machines and other medical equipment .

    医疗:人造肾脏、肺、 声波 清洗机及各种医疗设备。

  • Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology and It 's Development

    超声波 清洗技术与进展

  • In cutting stones for framing and to do every form of woodwork . The company mainly produces carving machines desktop brushless silicon carbide carving machines automatic stone cutting machines ultrasonic carving drilling machines ultrasonic cleaning machines and faceting machines .

    目前产品有宝石雕刻机、式无碳刷雕刻机、动切石机、声波雕刻多打孔机、 声波 清洗机、度机等。

  • The costs of ultrasonic cleaning were analyzed including those for cleaning liquid water and electricity and labor .

    分析了 超声波 清洗的成本,主要包括清洗液费用、水电费用、人工费用等。

  • Old ultrasonic cleaning equipment and some problems appeared in cleaning of air conditioner on train were introduced .

    介绍了 超声波 清洗机的工作原理、设计思想、 工艺路线、机械结构,适用于机械零件、电子线路板的清洗。

  • We have three manual and three automatic ultrasonic cleaning line .

    拥有三条手动 超声波 清洗线和三条 超声波自动 清洗线。

  • It showed that ultrasonic cleaning can significantly enhance cleaning effect and greatly shorten the cleaning time .

    结果表明,与传统化学清洗工艺相比, 超声波 清洗可以显著提高清洗效果,缩短清洗时间。

  • Design of Control System for Ultrasonic Cleaning Pipeline Based on PLC

    基于PLC的 超声波 清洗流水线控制系统的设计

  • Ultrasonic cleaning machines ultrasonic welding machines ultrasonic machine lace according to customer demand customer satisfaction with the design of non-standard machines .

    超声波 清洗机,超声波焊接机,超声波花边机,同时可根据客户需求,设计客户所满意的非标机器。

  • Group C after heat treatment on the bracket for ultrasonic cleaning five minutes then dried .

    C组对热处理后的托槽进行 超声 清洗5分钟后吹干。

  • High power transmission and powerful ultrasonic transducer transducer for ultrasonic cleaning and welding ultrasonic scalpel and transducer for ultrasonic teeth cleaning and cosmetology .

    大功率发射和强力超声换能器、 超声波 清洗、焊接加工等换能器,超声波手术刀、超声波洁牙、美容等换能器。

  • Study on Ultrasonic Cleaning Mechanism and Cleaning Process of Magnetic Materials

    磁性材料的 超声波 清洗机理及清洗工艺的研究

  • Special ultrasonic cleaning machine is usually installed in some specific items on the production line cleaned .

    专用 超声波 清洗机一般安装在某些特定物件清洗的生产流水线上。

  • And also analysis the standing wave and the nature of cleaning media effect on ultrasonic cleaning .

    通过比对实验分析了驻波和清洗介质的性质对 清洗效果的影响。

  • This study focused on ultrasonic cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning process flow of Magnetic materials .

    本文的研究重点是磁性材料的 超声波 清洗机理和超声波清洗工艺。

  • Using the ultrasonic cleaning technique to test and analyze the cleanliness of 203 204 deep groove ball bearings .

    利用 超声 清洗技术对203、204等球轴承的清洁度进行试验分析。

  • Application of PLC in the Automatic Ultrasonic Cleaning Line

    PLC在 超声波 清洗线自动化改造上的应用

  • Effects of online ultrasonic cleaning on characteristics of activated sludge mixed liquor in membrane bioreactor

    在线 超声 清洗对膜生物反应器污泥混合液特性的影响

  • Progress of research on improving sound field uniformity of ultrasonic cleaning

    改善 超声 清洗中声场均匀性的研究进展

  • PLY Type numeric control ultrasonic cleaning machine introduces the international most advanced lcs MPCs safety circuits and digital indicators .

    PLY型数控 超声波 清洗机采用国际上最先进集成电路、微处理电路、保护电路及数码显示。

  • Test Study of Application of Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology in Coupling Phosphating Pretreatment

    超声波 清洗技术在接箍磷化预处理中的应用试验研究

  • The piezoelectric transducer is widely used in ultrasonic cleaning machine and high-power industry cleaning devices .

    它广泛应用于 超声波 清洗机及工业用大功率清洗设备。