ulterior purpose

[ʌlˈtɪriɚ ˈpɚpəs][ʌlˈtɪəri:ə ˈpə:pəs]

[法] 进一步的目的

  • I select them solely for their convenience in helping me to my ulterior purpose .

    我所以选择它们,只是为了便于帮助我 达到 以后 目的

  • Today education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals .

    现在的教育必须是 面向 未来并且有明确的目标。

  • Although it eventually met with defeat it showed that Hitlers ulterior purpose in attempting to develop and improve the economic and trade relations between Germany and the puppet Manchuria was to promote its political approaches to Japan .


  • This lever must serve some ulterior purpose .

    这撬棒准是用 不可告人 目的的。