ultimate load

[ˈʌltəmɪt lod][ˈʌltimit ləud]


  • The ultimate load stiffness ductility energy absorption capacity of each slab was examined from the load test .

    并探讨混凝土版构件在不同变数下的 极限 承载力、刚度、韧性、破坏能等。

  • The Ultimate Load Capacity Research of the Web Opening C-shaped Cold-formed Steel Members under the Influence of Initial Imperfection

    考虑初始缺陷影响的腹板开孔冷弯C形薄壁钢构件 极限 承载力的研究

  • Ultimate load designs according to the yield-line or strip methods do not guarantee safety against cracking or excessive deformation .

    接屈服线法或条带法的 极限 荷载设计不能完全保证抗裂或防止过度变形。

  • An Ultimate Load Capacity Analysis of Preforce Concrete Structure by Virtual Laminated Element Method

    采用虚拟层合单元法分析钢筋混凝土结构的 极限 承载能力

  • Research on calculation method for lateral pressure ultimate load on cylindrical shell panel of Spar platform hard tank The machine case and base are built with steel plate joint structure simple and compact .

    Spar平台柱壳板格侧向压力 极限 载荷计算方法研究机壳与机座采用了平板钢性连接的全 承载机壳结构,使结构更加简单,整机更加紧凑。

  • Considering the initial geometric deflection the theoretical ultimate load is obtained based on the yielding criterion of the cross-sectional edge stresses .

    对于 轴向 荷载 集中 荷载 共同 作用 的压杆,考虑初始几何位移的影响,根据边缘纤维屈服准则得到构件的理论 最大 荷载

  • Based on the elastic and plastic analysis the crack load and ultimate load of cast-in-place RC hollow flat slab subjected to vertical uniformly distributed load are given .

    目的分析竖向均布荷载作用下的现浇钢筋混凝土空心无梁楼盖的 性能,计算其开裂荷载和 极限 荷载

  • Results show that in order to determine the ultimate load capacity of the derricks both geometrical and material nonlinearities must be taken into consideration .

    计算结果表明,只有采用几何和材料双重非线性的分析方法,才能准确评估井架的 极限 承载力。

  • Ruin probability of negative binomial risk model with variable lower limit deflection at working ultimate load

    可变下限的负二项风险模型的破产概率工作 极限 负荷下变形量

  • The test results indicated that the behavior of group piles with spacing of4d was like that of the block deep foundation under the ultimate load .

    试验结果表明,常规桩距桩筏基础 极限 荷载下表现出实体深基础性状;

  • Probability Analysis on Ultimate Load of Lattice Shell with Initial Installment Imperfection

    考虑安装误差网壳结构 承载 概率分析

  • The ultimate load of plate girders was analyzed by spline finite strip and plastic hinge method .

    用样条有限条塑性铰法分析了板梁的 极限 荷载

  • The results show that the arch distortion weakens structural ultimate load bearing capacity and increases lateral displacement at the bottom of .

    分析表明,拱肋变形降低了结构的 极限 承载能力,并增大了其在正常使用状态下的侧向变形,以致拱脚外包混凝土开裂严重。

  • Height at working ultimate load

    工作 极限 负荷 的高度

  • Study on Failure Mechanism and Ultimate Load Capacity of Corroded Submarine Pipeline

    海底腐蚀管道破坏机理和 极限 承载力研究

  • Researches on Critical Edge Load Critical Load and Ultimate Load of Soil Mass Analysis of m Method for Pile Foundation Based on Horizontal Load and Inclined Load

    地基的临塑、界限和 极限 荷载的探讨基于水平荷载和倾斜荷载的桩基m法研究

  • Increasing pile diameter and pile length should be the best choices to increase ultimate load of piles driven into sandy soil and clayed layer respectively .

    于黏土中以增加直径的效果 显著;于砂土中则以增加 长的效果最佳。

  • Analysis of the ultimate load capacity of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Bridge Pier

    钢管混凝土高桥墩的 极限 承载力分析

  • Influencing factors of ultimate load carrying capacity of self-anchored concrete suspension bridge

    混凝土自锚式悬索桥 极限 承载力影响因素

  • Discussion on ultimate load carrying capacity of concrete filled steel columns with initial stress

    有初应力的钢管混凝土柱 承载力的 计算方法比较

  • And then three numerical examples were respectively used to validate the methods for the analysis of prestressing creep and ultimate load capacity .

    用三个算例分别对预应力、徐变及 极限 承载 状态等的分析方法的有效性进行了验证。

  • Numerical Simulation on Ultimate Load of Steel Fiber Reinforced High Strength Concrete Shaft Lining alkali solubility number

    钢纤维高强混凝土井壁 极限 承载 数值计算纤维素w_1387碱溶性指数

  • An approximate formula for calculating the ultimate load on a foundation was derived by using the generalized limit equilibrium method .

    应用广义极限平衡法获得了地基 极限 荷载的近似计算公式。

  • Solution of Ultimate Load for Slope and Foundation with Finite Element Lower Bound Limit Analysis Method

    极限 承载 土地 边坡与地基 极限 荷载的下限有限元解

  • For the calculation of concrete crack and ultimate load capacity some key issues such as geometric nonlinear material nonlinear and numeric algorithm were particularly discussed .

    从几何非线性、材料非线性及求解方法等三个方面对混凝土开裂及 极限 承载能力分析的具体实现方式进行了讨论。

  • Reliability Analysis of Vertical Ultimate Load Bearing Capacity of Cast-in-Situ Piles

    灌注桩竖向 极限 承载计算方法的可靠性分析

  • Analysis of factors affecting ultimate load of concrete based on ANSYS

    基于ANSYS的混凝土 极限 荷载影响因素分析