ultimate balance

[ˈʌltəmɪt ˈbæləns][ˈʌltimit ˈbæləns]


  • The essence and ultimate target of balance adjustment of a pumping unit are analyzed and a new balance adjustment method is presented i.e. determining the center of gravity of the counterbalance by means of Fourier analysis of power curve of the electric motor .

    分析了抽油机 平衡调整的本质和 最终目标,提出了抽油机新的平衡调整方法,即通过对电动机功率曲线进行傅立叶分析,确定平衡块重心位置的方法。

  • And we cannot confidently predict the ultimate impact on markets or the confidence of investors of the unwinding of central bank balance sheets .

    但我们无法很有把握地预测降息对市场的 最终影响,投资者对央行 资产 负债表规模收缩的信心是否会受降息影响也无法确判。

  • If tracing back to actual ownership and control of ultimate large shareholder we discover that the several large shareholders of many companies belong to the same ultimate owner which leads to surface share balance but actually imbalance .

    如果追溯终极大股东的实际所有权与控制权,可以发现很多公司的前几大股东属于同一个 终极所有者,这就出现了表面股权 制衡的公司实际上并不 制衡的现象。

  • Discussion about moment modulation coefficient of ultimate equivalent load balance method

    极限等效荷载 平衡法弯矩调幅系数探讨

  • By analyzing an example and comparing with the optimal result based on the ultimate balance analysis the reasonable results of soil nailed structure optimal design are obtained .

    通过算例分析,并与基于 极限 平衡分析的优化结果相比较,得出合理的土钉支护结构设计的参考结论。

  • The last one is the limitation of rights which is the concentrated reflection and application of the ultimate principle of the balance of profits in the legal system of the protection of copyrights .

    第三是权利限制问题,其是“利益 平衡”这一著作权法律体系 根本立法原则的集中体现和贯彻。

  • The empirical results shows that monetary policy transmission function through enterprise balance sheet channel is exist but from the view of having effect to the ultimate goal of monetary policy the balance sheet channel is not significant .

    说明我国货币政策的企业资产负债表渠道正在发生作用,但是从其对货币政策 最终目标的传导上来看, 资产 负债表渠道的作用并不显著。

  • Whether discussing Lao Zhi from the East or Plato from the West the ultimate layer of human reasoning seems to always hint at the balance and permanence of the universe .

    不管是东方的老子,或是西方的柏拉图,思想底层里似乎都暗示宇宙的 平衡 稳定与永久持 恒性

  • Aims of ultimate concern should be to relieve and eliminate ecological crisis and to recover and rebuild ecological balance at last .

    缓解直至消除生态危机、恢复和重建生态 平衡,是 人类 终极关怀的应有之义。

  • First the fundamentals of slope reliability is represented in this article ( for example certain landslide in Xi ning city ) the ultimate state balance equation was founded in the way of arc Swedish as the premise of reliability calculating .

    首先,本文阐述了边坡可靠性的基本原理,以西宁市某滑坡为例,利用瑞典圆弧法建立 极限状态 平衡方程,作为可靠度计算的前提。

  • Study on the Ultimate Control Balance Power of Shareholder and Company Value

    最终控制、权力 制衡和公司价值研究

  • Confucians thought that the ultimate purpose of the creation of Li was to keep the balance between unlimited human desires and limited natural resources in order to protect the prosperity and stability of all beings including diverse species .

    礼之兴起出现的 根本目的就是实现无限人欲和有限资源的 平衡,保障包括各类生命与物种在内的自然万物的繁荣稳定。

  • Yoga which found its origin in India has a long history and through practice the ultimate goal is to achieve physical mental and spiritual balance .

    瑜伽起源于印度,有一个长远悠久的历史。学习瑜伽的 最终目的是要达至身体上、精神上和心灵上的 平衡

  • Suction caisson is an important new style offshore structure foundation . Its ultimate bearing capacity can be calculated approximately on the base of ultimate balance method .

    吸力式沉箱是一种重要的新型海洋结构物基础,其水平承载能力可采用 极限 平衡法近似地估算。

  • Analyses the stability of loess cut with the method of ultimate balance and finite element ;

    运用 极限 平衡法和有限元法对黄土路堑高边坡稳定性进行了分析;

  • Achieving work life balance is the ultimate question for working moms . It 's not easy but it 's worth it to try to find work life balance .

    如安在事变与生存中得到均衡是每个职场妈妈要面对的 底子标题。要办理它着实不轻易,但是这个 均衡点是值得积极找出来的。

  • To solve the problem this paper poses the theory which is applied to the study of the union of sliding faces searching and integral stability analyses . The theory is also employed to analyze the ultimate balance of a rock slope rigid body .

    本文针对实际需要,提出了岩质边坡岩体易滑面搜索与稳定性偶合分析的研究,并利用该研究成果进行岩质边坡岩体易滑面刚体 极限 平衡分析。

  • In thermal balance test of the spacecraft using temperature extrapolation technology obtain the ultimate thermal balance temperature of the spacecraft can be predicted accurately and the test duration can be shortened and the development cost of the spacecraft can be reduced accordingly .

    在航天器的稳态热平衡试验中,应用温度外推预报技术可以准确的给出航天器热 平衡 极限温度,缩短热 平衡试验时间,从而降低航天器研制成本。

  • The change of government on schooling management is the key condition to implement the balance of education . The ultimate value realization of policies for the balance of basic education lies in the optimization of schools ' function .

    从实现教育均衡政策价值的主体来看,政府的教育治理转型是实现教育均衡的重要条件,而基础教育 均衡发展政策价值的 最终实现在于优化学校教育的功能。

  • The ultimate objects are the optimum agent cost the balance of control power and the perfection of enterprise 's governance structure rather than the financing itself ;

    民营企业选择不同的融资 结构,目的在于获得最佳的委托代理成本和控制权的 平衡,完善公司治理结构,融资并不是 最终的目的;

  • The ultimate goal of TCM is to balance the yin and yang in our lives through promoting the natural flow of qi

    中医的 最高目标是通过促进气血流动实现阴阳 平衡

  • Therefore people from all walks of life should starting form values such as social equity justice and equality through active activities to overcome differences to narrow the gradient and to realize the ultimate goal of harmony and balance development of society .

    社会各界需要从社会公平、公正和人人平等的价值理念出发,通过积极努力,克服和缩小这种梯度差异,以 实现中国 城乡社会的和谐和 均衡发展。

  • The Given the example of one 100m high rock slop on the power station The integrated projection on equator plane and ultimate balance method is introduced .

    以某电厂高100m以上岩石高边坡为例,介绍了采用赤平投影图解法及 极限 平衡法,进行岩体边坡稳定性分析的方法。

  • With the results of the multi-ribbed wall tests and finite element analysis the shear capacity formulas of a oblique section based on ultimate balance theory are given .

    并在试验结果与有限元模拟的基础上,依据 极限 平衡理论,建立起来复合墙体的斜截面抗剪 极限承载力公式。

  • Finally the article discusses the ultimate goal of foreign exchange balance safety and efficiency of unity .

    最后,文章探讨外汇 平衡 最终目标为安全与效率的统一。