


  • It is an object oriented protocol can used to transmit arbitrary typal data object for support the WWW system publish multimedia information .

    它是一种面向对象的协议,可用来传送任意 类型的数据对象,以支持WWW系统多媒体信息的发布。

  • Results The rate of apoptotic of thymocyte in dexamethasone treated group was higher significantly than one in the EAE group and the control group ( P 0.01 ) the typal change of apoptosis was observed with the electronic microscope .

    结果地塞米松处理组的胸腺细胞凋亡率明显高于自然病程组和正常对照组(P0.01); 电镜发现有 典型的凋亡改变。

  • Cold typal wheat with good metabolic function can be distinguished more accurately according to canopy temperature and phenomenal characteristics .

    根据冠层温度和表 特征可较准确地识别具有良好代谢功能的冷 小麦 材料

  • The results show that under the high velocity impacting of alundum particles high manganese steel has typal erosion behaviors of ductile metals .

    结果表明,在高速氧化铝粒子冲蚀下,高锰钢 具有 典型延性材料的冲蚀磨损特性。

  • Gas occurrence boiler nasty cold typal process : this process less investment high efficiency .

    煤气发生炉急冷 工艺:此工艺投资少,效率较高。

  • Concept characteristics and future of cooler typal wheat


  • Cold Typal Wheat and Its Breeding Meaning


  • This gas sensor has several typal features such as high sensitivity to city coal gas ideal linearity low cost and wasted power excellent selectivity against ethanol and high mechanical strength .

    该元件具有成本低、 功耗低、输出线性好,不易受乙醇干扰及机械强度高特点。

  • Leaf Gas Exchange Character of Different Temperature Typal Wheat

    不同温 小麦叶片气体交换特性研究

  • The preparation and application of new typal amop / sio_2 ion exchanger

    新型 AMoP/SiO2离子交换剂的制备及应用&从制盐母液中直接 提取铯和铷的新方法

  • The paper explained progress with cooler typal wheat research and relative important issues and prospected the development future of cooler typal wheat as well as its influence on other crop and plant researches .

    本文阐述了冷 小麦研究的进展和有关重要问题,并对冷型小麦未来的发展以及对其他作物、植物研究的影响进行了展望。

  • Development Strategy on Mathematics and Application Mathematics Specialty in Economic Typal Institutions of Higher Education

    论经济 数学与应用数学专业的 和谐发展战略

  • Phenomenal Characteristics of Cold Typal Wheat and Their Relation to Metabolic Function

    小麦的表 特征及其和代谢功能的关联

  • Results Among sellar tumors pituitary adenomas are more common than other typal tumors ( 81.8 % ) .

    结果:蝶鞍区肿瘤以垂体瘤居多( 81.8%)。

  • Middle Typal Wheat and Its Specific Character

    冠层 温度中间 小麦及其性状特征

  • New Mo Fe ( self carrier typal composite ironic molybdate ) catalyst and its productive technology

    新型 Mo-Fe(自身载 体型复合钼酸铁)催化剂及其生产工艺

  • Its characters were between cold typal wheat with excellent characters and warm typal wheat with poor characters on an average for many years especially metabolic functions .

    其性状尤其代谢功能从多年平均 状况 介于性状较优的冷 小麦和性状较差的暖型小麦之间。

  • By means of infrared technique cold typal wheat can well be distinguished and the bases can be provided for the selection of parentage line and variety .

    利用红外技术可以较好地识别冷 小麦,并为株系、品系、品种的选择提供依据。

  • We discovered the spacious aggregation on plague zoonosis of citellus dauricus through the research of391 foci of4 typal lands-capes .

    根据对4种景观区391个 疫点的研究结果,发现了黄鼠鼠疫动物病的空间聚集性。