



  • Objective To compare the microbubes gel technology ( MGT ) in diagnosis of typhoid and paratyphoid with WR .

    目的比较微柱凝胶技术(MGT)与肥达反应法(WR)在诊断 伤寒及副伤寒中的意义。

  • He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever .

    在五岁时一次 伤寒之后,他聋了。

  • I was given injections against hepatitis and typhoid .

    我打针治疗肝炎和 伤寒

  • People are dying in their thousands from typhoid cold and starvation .

    人们成千上万地因 伤寒、寒冷和饥饿而死去。

  • Methods The clinical nursing information of81 typhoid patients was analyzed .

    方法对81例 伤寒临床护理进行分析。

  • After the river flooded there was an outbreak of typhoid fever in the town .

    那座城镇在洪水氾滥后爆发了 伤寒

  • You should be immunized against typhoid before you go .

    在你走之前你应该注射 伤寒疫苗。

  • Indications : It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid paratyphoid typhus and bacillary dysentery .

    适应症:主要用于治疗 伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒及细菌性痢疾。

  • Sanitary conditions in the camps are non-existent and cholera typhoid and other epidemics could break out any day .

    军营里根本没有卫生条件,霍乱、 伤寒和其他传染病随时可能爆发。

  • Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers are caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi respectively .


  • My mother came down with typhoid fever and spent the entire trip 's infirmary .

    我的母亲染上了 伤寒,整旅程中都躺在船上的医疗室。

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical profile and pattern of various drugs used for treatment of typhoid fever .

    目的评价 伤寒临床表现和 伤寒 沙门菌对各种抗菌素的反应。

  • Serological investigation of pullorum disease and fowl typhoid in parts of China by monoclonal antibody blocking ELISA ;

    以诺氟沙星为对照药物,研究了盐酸多西环素 治疗鸡白痢病和禽 霍乱的效果。

  • Drinking of such impure water may cause cholera typhoid dysentery and other serious diseases .

    饮用这些不洁净的水会造成霍乱、 伤寒、痢疾以及其他严重的疾病。

  • There are three main diseases of this country sir : typhoid cholera and election fever .

    先生,这个国家有三种主要疾病: 伤寒、霍乱和选举狂热。

  • The result may be an increase in diseases such as cholera typhoid malaria and dengue .

    结果可能是疾病增加,例如霍乱、 伤寒、疟疾和登革热。

  • It may rest on human or animal wastes that contain typhoid and dysentery germs .

    它们可能爬在含有 伤寒和痢疾病菌的人畜粪便上。

  • Such diseases as diphtheria syphilis tuberculosis and typhoid often involve the trachea .

    诸如白喉、梅毒、结核病和 伤寒等疾病往往都与气管有关。

  • He was concerned about his patients and possible outbreaks of dysentery pneumonia or typhoid .

    他担心的是他的病人以及可能突然蔓延开来的痢疾丶肺炎和 伤寒诸多疾病。

  • 2-phenoxyethanol ( used for inactivated polio vaccine ) and phenol ( used for typhoid vaccine ) .

    它们是二苯氧乙醇(用于灭活的脊灰疫苗)和苯酚(用于 伤寒疫苗)。

  • Typhoid and swan from the same place .


  • He says all returnees have been immunized against communicable diseases such as typhoid and measles .

    他还说,所有返乡者已接种了预防传播疾病的疫苗,比如 伤寒和麻疹疫苗。

  • My father was just recovering from typhoid .

    我的父亲刚从 伤寒 中复原。

  • There were also cases of hepatitis typhoid and yellow fever .

    还出现了肝炎、 伤寒和黄热病病例。

  • Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine

    自从发明了口服疫苗后,令人痛苦的 伤寒疫苗注射就成为了过去。

  • An outbreak of typhoid followed .

    继而爆发了 伤寒

  • Widespread communicable diseases include HIV / AIDS malaria TB sleeping sickness typhoid fever and meningitis .

    广泛存在的传染病包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核、昏睡病、 伤寒和脑膜炎。

  • Have you been vaccinated against typhoid fever ?

    你接种过 伤寒疫苗了吗?

  • Sudden-onset disasters are frequently accompanied by fears of disease outbreaks like cholera typhoid fever or measles .

    突发灾难常常伴有霍乱、 伤寒或麻疹等疾病暴发的担忧。

  • I 've got measles typhoid cholera .

    那有麻疹、 伤寒、霍乱等。