


  • These differences between the two languages are attributed to their respective typological characteristics and distinctions between functions of plural markers .

    这些差别主要是语言 结构 类型特点和复数标记功能差异造成的。

  • Constructed over a long period from the4th to the15th century they constitute a diachronic typological series which had considerable influence in the Byzantine world .

    从4世纪到15世纪,它们的修建经历了很长时间,因此,它们反映了 类型 教堂不同历史时期的 特点,这对 拜占廷世界产生了相当大的影响。

  • This paper delves into oyirad Mongolian mythology in Xinjiang by means of the typological studies and works out its typological index and the laws of its circulation and evolution .

    本文运用故事 类型研究法对新疆卫拉特蒙古神话进行研究,从而撰写出了它的类型索引及其传承演变规律。

  • The closure is innovative technological and typological created by a sphere of steel which is ergonomic and easy to use .

    关闭的方法是有新意的,有技术含量的和 独特的,它由一个圆的钢球控制,这符合人体工学,方便使用。

  • This thesis focuses on English type change from typological perspective .

    文章从 语言 类型角度剖析了英语语言的类型演变。

  • A Research on the Feature of the Relevance of Indirect Evidence : Review on the Basis of the Typological Work by Wigmore

    间接证据的关联性特征研究&以威格摩尔的 类型 工作为基础

  • The methods of functional comparison typological discussion case study and normative analysis are respectively used .

    笔者主要运用的研究方法包括:功能比较法、 类型 分析法、案例分析法、规范分析法等方法。

  • Any attempt to reimpose the Mosaic civil laws or their penalties fails to understand the typological temporary national character of the Old ( Mosaic ) covenant .

    任何企图要重新设立摩西的民事律法,或是它们的处罚,都未能理解旧约(摩西时期之圣约)那 预表性的、暂时性的、和民族性的特质。

  • This paper made a detailed typological study on these two kinds .

    本文对这两类 随葬 中的主要 器物做了详细的 类型 研究。

  • The others present more complex problems . Of or relating to the synchronic typological comparison of languages .

    对付其他 类型的霸王会比较复杂。属于或有关语言的同时 类型的比较的。

  • This paper mainly adopts semantic analysis comparative and typological methods .

    本文主要采用语义分析、比较和 类型 的方法进行 研究

  • Typological Comparison between the Semantic Systems of Measure Words in Chinese and Thai Language

    类型 背景下的汉泰语量词语义系统对比和汉语量词教学

  • They might have even been born to two Kinfolk parents far from a sept. Of or relating to the synchronic typological comparison of languages .

    也有的是不同氏族的两个亲属的孩子。属于或有关语言的同时 类型的比较的。

  • This thesis presents a typological survey of morphological markedness basic word order and its correlations which is based on a study of ( core ) argument structure .

    本文从 语言 类型 角度考察论元结构的形态标记、基本语序及其关系。

  • Such a theme can be unwrapped into two aspects : typological studies and case studies .

    这一研究主题体现在 类型 研究和个案研究等两个方面。

  • A Typological Model for New Road Urban Design : A Case Study of Qingyuan Avenue Urban Design in Qingyuan City

    新开发道路城市设计中的 类型 思维&以清远市清远大道城市设计为例

  • A Contrastive Study on the Order of Conjunctive Words in Chinese English and Japanese and its Typological Significance

    汉、英、日语连词语序对比研究及其 语言 类型 意义

  • Ultimately both typology and dialectology are bound to profit from a typological approach to the study of dialects .

    最终,类型学和方言学都注定将从方言的 类型 研究方法中获益。

  • From the artistic typological perspective this paper expounds the logical and the natural classification systems of art .

    本文从艺术 类型 出发,系统阐述了艺术的逻辑分类体系和自然分类体系。

  • Contrast Between English and Chinese Typological Caused-motion Construction within Monotonic Construction Grammar Approach

    单层构式语法框架下英汉 典型致使移动构式的认知对比分析

  • A further development of this situation might lead to a typological shift from STV to SOV but so far no single dialect of Wu has completed such a shift .

    这种趋势在浙江沿海吴语中尤为突出,其进一步发展有可能导致 STV向SOV的历史演变,只是目前尚未到此阶段。

  • Typological theory of higher nervous activity

    高级神经活动 类型

  • In the typological point of view this paper lists four categories of space model of Louis Kahn 's architectural works .

    然后类型 观点将康作品的“空间模式”分为四类,并具体分析。

  • Typological Analysis of Shanghai Expo Pavilions in Context of Its Theme

    主题语境下的上海世博会建筑 类型解析

  • The Old Covenant was temporary and typological of the New Covenant .

    旧约对新约来说是暂时的,和 预表性的。

  • Of or relating to the synchronic typological comparison of languages .

    属于或有关语言的同时 类型的比较的。

  • In the application of criminal law the reasonable explanation of criminal constitutive requirements and the determination of the case facts all need typological thinking .

    在刑法适用中,合理解释犯罪构成要件、准确形成案件事实都离不 类型思维。

  • A Contrastive Study of the Predicate-complement Structure in the Kam-Tai Languages and Chinese Language : a Typological Study

    壮侗语与汉语述补结构的对比分析及其 类型 特征

  • The Typological Feature of Status Affix in Harbin Dialects & And Contrast with Manchu and other Languages Surrounding

    哈尔滨方言状态词缀的 类型 特征&兼与周边的满语等语言对比

  • Typological Markedness and avoidance in Chinese college students production of English relative clauses ;

    类型 标记和中国大学生英语关系从句使用中的回避现象(英文)