type theory

[taɪp ˈθiəri][taip ˈθiəri]


  • Study on Jungian Psychological Type Theory and Inventory of Historical Development

    荣格心理 类型 理论与量表的历史发展研究

  • The theory makes a basic judge on the social type transformation process of present Chinese society from traditional type to modern type and becomes the foundation for the formation of new modernization type theory .

    这一研究形成了关于中国社会正处在由传统型社会向现代 社会转型过程的基本判断,构成了新型现代化 理论的基础。

  • Lastly the problem of software evolution caused by introducing agent model is studied based on an architecture description language named C2 ADL and software architecture type theory .

    最后,基于C2ADL和软件体系结构的 类型 理论,系统地研究了引入Agent模型产生的软件演化问题。

  • On the π and Σ rules in intuitionistic type theory

    直觉主义 类型 中π和∑规则的研究

  • Formal Model of XML Type System Based on Type Theory

    基于 类型 理论的XML类型系统形式化建模

  • Imperative Operational Semantics in Type Theory

    命令的操作语义在 类型 系统中的一种表示

  • In the field of law science of administrative litigation the study on the administrative litigation type is a question ignored for a long time and the application of the type theory is rarer .

    在行政诉讼法学领域,对行政诉讼类型的研究是一个长期被忽视的问题, 类型 理论的运用就更为少见。

  • MBTI psychological type theory may contribute to the self-perfection to individual lawyers as well as legal profession as a whole .

    MBTI性格 类型 理论无论对作为个体的法律人和还是对作为整体的法律职业,在自我完善方面都具有重要的参考价值。

  • An inheritance mechanism with type theory

    基于 类型 理论的继承机制的研究

  • A Donnell type theory is developed for finite deflection of closely stiffened truncated laminated composite conical shells under arbitrary loads by using the variational calculus and smeared-stiffener theory .

    本文利用变分原理和平均筋条刚度法,建立了在任意载荷作用下纵向和环向密加筋复合材料圆锥壳体有限变形的Donnell 理论

  • Recursive metaprogramming based on type theory

    基于 类型 理论的递旧元程序设计

  • The whole article places extra emphasis on the cognition and analysis of type theory of Arthur Kaufmann .

    全文侧重对考夫曼 类型 理论的认识和分析,对这种 理论在刑法中的作用进行了修正和完善。

  • Studies of the negation in the intuitionistic type theory

    直觉主义 类型 中否定构造的研究

  • Translation and the Text Type Theory

    文本 类型 理论与翻译

  • Grassland classification is the concrete practice of the grassland type theory .

    草原分类是草原 类型 理论的具体实践。

  • The Chinese traditional culture based personality type theory & I Qing personality model was introduced .

    该文介绍了基于中国传统文化建立起来的本土化人格 类型 理论&周易人格模型;

  • The traditional cognition insists prohibition of analogy . On the other side the type theory believe that the understanding of legal norms is a process of analogy .

    传统认识认为只要是类推就要禁止, 类型 理论则认为对于法律规范的理解本身就是一个类推的过程。

  • Our approach is to combine object-oriented paradigm with formal methods in software engineering especially abstract data type theory and algebraic specification of systems .

    我们希望能够将面向对象的数据库系统与软件工程中的形式化方法,尤其是抽象数据 类型、系统的代数规范等 结合起来。

  • In contrast in intensional Type Theory type checking is decidable but the representation of many mathematical concepts is non-standard due to a lack of extensional reasoning .

    相反的,在内涵 类型 中,类型检查是可判定性的,但是很多数学概念的表达是不标准的,因为缺乏外延推理。

  • On type theory for object oriented programming

    面向对象 类型 理论的比较研究

  • An Automatic Programming System Based on Type Theory

    一个基于 类型 理论的自动程序设计系统

  • Text type theory based analysis of Chinese-to-English translation of public signs

    从文本 类型 理论视角解析公示语汉英翻译实践

  • The text type theory proposed by the German translation theorist K. Of the original text .

    文本 类型 理论是德国翻译理论家赖斯和英国翻译家纽马克根据语言功能对文本进行功能划分的理论。

  • You would need to study type theory at university for several years to understand what it 's all about .

    你需要学习 理论在大学数多年来了解它的全部。

  • The scholar of China has revised the conception of the Economic-cultural type theory .

    我国学者对前苏联经济文化 类型 理论概念进行了修改。

  • In analogy to algebraic data type theory this paper proposed the mathematical model of objects object types and abstract object types .

    类似于代数数据 类型 理论,本文提出了对象、对象类型及抽象对象类型的代数模型。

  • Text Type Theory and Its Application to Translation Teaching

    文本 类型 理论及其在翻译教学中的应用

  • Type Theory and Programming

    类型 理论和程序设计

  • Neo - classical Type Theory

    新古典主义的 类型

  • Nevanlinna type theory of meromorphic functions in the exterior of a circle ( I )

    圆外亚纯函数的Nevanlinna 理论(I)