type function

[taɪp ˈfʌŋkʃən][taip ˈfʌŋkʃən]

[计] 函数类型

  • The Application of a New Type Function Material to Electric Machines

    一种 新型 功能材料在电机中的应用

  • This paper has quoted the writing of statement is general to have stated type function and the concept of firewall leting us overall have known one theoretically firewall .

    本文引用了叙述性的文字概述了防火墙的概念、 功能类型等,让我们全面了解了一个理论上的防火墙。

  • Convex function is an significant type of function .

    凸函数是一 重要的 函数

  • In this paper the type function of zero order and finite positive order of hyperspherical series is investigated . The relationship between its order maximal module and the type of type function is established .

    研究了零阶与有限正阶超球级数的 函数,得出了超球级数的阶、最大模与型函数所对应的型之间的关系式。

  • Objective To observe the estrin type function for feeding on animal the Niaochangshu capsule : influences on womb weight of childhood mice and serum estradiol density of removed ovaries rat .

    目的观察尿 畅舒胶囊对动物的雌激素样 作用,即尿畅舒胶囊对幼年小鼠子宫重量的影响,尿畅舒胶囊对去势大鼠血清雌二醇浓度的影响。

  • However even HTTP users can see the growing need for this type of function since portlets began essentially forking HTTP requests .

    不过,甚至HTTP用户都看到了对 这种 功能的需求的增长,因为Portlet已开始对HTTP请求进行实际分叉操作了。

  • An external function is a type of function declaration that opens the door for implementations to allow the user to define the body of the function in a different programming language .

    外部函数是一 开放实现的 函数声明 类型,用户可以用不同的编程语言定义函数体。

  • Good experience in SAP is a plus especially in SD model and be familiar with all kinds of order type and function .

    具有丰富的SAP操作经验优先,尤其是SD模块,并且对于各类订单的操作以及SAP的给 功能都相当了解和熟悉。

  • Unlike the common iterative learning control which requires some preconditions of stability on the learning gain the adaptive iterative learning control obtains the convergence through the change of high frequency learning gain in a Nussbaum type function .

    与普通迭代学习控制需要学习增益稳定性前提条件不同,自适应迭代学习控制通过不断修改 Nussbaum 形式的高频学习增益达到收敛。

  • Type Function of the Entire Function Defined by Hyperspherical Series

    超球级数所定义整函数的 函数

  • The widely accepted Bagnold type function to calculate threshold wind velocity or shear velocity was developed for dry sands .

    在土壤风蚀研究中, Bagnold建立的干沙子的起动风速与沙粒粒径关系的表达式已被广泛接受。

  • Abstract : based on the safty and reliability of electronic equipment this paper expounds the importance of ground and introduces the knowledges of ground in several aspects such as ground type function of ground wire and the design of ground .

    文摘:从电子设备的安全性和可靠性出发,论述了其接地的重要性,并从接地 类型、地线 作用,接地设计几方面介绍了有关接地方面的知识。

  • In this paper we first study the growth and regular growth of Dirichlet series of finite order by type function in the plane and obtain two necessary and sufficient conditions ;

    本文首先利用 函数研究了全平面上有限级Dirichlet级数的增长性和正规增长性,得到了两个充要条件;

  • If we don 't understand the relationship to type and function that 's no excuse to ignore it .

    如果我们不理解 外型 作用之间的关系,那么,我们就没有借口忽视它们。

  • Data mining algorithms require additional information beyond the data type to function correctly such as the content type .

    除了数据 类型信息外,数据挖掘算法还需要其他信息(如内容类型) 才能正常工作。

  • Conclusion The Niaochangshu capsule has the estrin type function .

    结论尿畅舒胶囊具有雌激素 作用

  • Incorrect data type for function .

    函数的数据 类型不正确。

  • Vector-Valued Dirichlet Type Function Spaces on the Unit Ball of C ~ n

    C~n单位球上的向量值Dirichlet 函数空间

  • Commutator type function generator

    转换器 函数发生器

  • Breakpoint Location Type : function file data etc.

    断点位置 类型函数、文件、数据等。

  • In addition Python makes it easy to determine a variable 's type using the type function .

    除此之外,Python还可以使用 类型 函数来简化对变量类型的确定。

  • Key program type function computer

    按键程序 函数台式计算机

  • W ~ ( 1 p ) Convergence of the Minimizers for a Ginzburg Landau Type Function

    Ginzburg-Landau 泛函极小元的W~(1,p)收敛性

  • Multi-objective Optimization of One Kind of Generalized TypeFunction

    一类广义 Type函数的多目标优化问题

  • The calculation process is simple and can modify the characteristic parameters of the cam easily while maintaining the merit of higher derivative continuity for the integral type function cam .

    这种新型设计方法计算简便,可灵活地调整凸轮主要特征参数,并保持了整体 函数凸轮高阶导数连续的优点。

  • Because GUI tests posed special problems for us this type of function test is discussed in detail in the next section .

    因为GUI测试为我们造成了特殊的问题,因此这 功能测试将在下一部分被详细的讨论。

  • The hyperbolic number hyperbolic type function and their properties are discussed . By using hyperbolic function the solvability of a kind partial differential equations and the properties of the solutions are discussed .

    研究双曲数、双曲 函数、双曲正则 函数及其性质,并用双曲型函数讨论了一类双曲型偏微分方程解的存在性和解的性质。

  • The result is hundreds of plug-ins that provide nearly any type of function needed on a Web application .

    结果所产生的这数百个插件几乎能够提供一个Web应用程序内所需的任何一 函数

  • The Electro-hydraulic Servo Valve with High Response Based on New Type Function Materials

    基于 新型 功能材料的高频响电液伺服阀