


  • Square serif : Typeface with serifs the same weight or heavier than the main letter strokes .

    方形衬线:有寸线 字体的一种。衬线的粗幼和字体主要笔画相等或更粗。

  • A typeface that seems almost handwritten will convey a company 's people-oriented unthreatening low-key identity .

    一种近乎手写的 字体向人们传达的是一种以人为本,与世无争、低调的公司形象。

  • For example it 's impossible to create a space saving newspaper typeface with an extremely wide body width .

    比如说,如果你想设计一种节约版面的 字体,那就不能给它设置极大的 宽。

  • In printing a complete range of design variants of a particular typeface .

    在印刷技术中,一整套不同设计的特殊 字样

  • Eg. which typeface is perfect for this design ?

    哪个 字体最适合这个设计?

  • Our wide Latin typeface comes in ten sizes .

    我们有十种大小不同的宽拉丁 字体

  • Outline letters : Typeface with only the outline defined . See Inline letters .

    空心字体:只具轮廓线条的 字体。参阅穿线字体。

  • Sloping lettering is called italic . Back slant : Backward sloping typeface i.e. opposite to italic .

    倾斜字母称作斜体字。左斜字体:向左倾斜的 字体。即是一般斜体字的反向。

  • This means that the starting point the'e ' already defined that the rest of the font cannot be a sans serif typeface .

    这就是起点。这个“e”,已经决定了这个字体中的其余字符不应该是一个无衬线 字体

  • What typeface would you like for the notes ?

    注解你要 什么

  • A form of the sans serif typeface .

    是无衬线 字体的一种形式。

  • In printing the printing surface of type ; or the design of a particular type hence typeface .

    在印刷技术中,铅字的印刷表面;或指特别设计的铅字, 字面

  • If set to a valid typeface name the function enumerates all fonts with the specified name .

    如果设置为一个有效的 字体名称,函数枚举所有带指定名称的字体。

  • Copy-paste should not change the contrast in your typeface .

    复制粘贴不会改变你 字体的粗细对比。

  • In2002 Ralph Ueltzhoeffer created one of the first text portraits out of the text : Wikipedia David Beckham with a typeface of white on black relating the result visually to the DOS input mode .

    2002年,拉尔夫Ueltzhoeffer创造了出了第一个文本文字画像之一:维基百科“贝克汉姆”的白色与黑色 字体的结果对DOS的视觉输入模式。

  • If set to an empty string the function enumerates one font in each available typeface name .

    如果设置一个空字符串,函数在每个可用的 字体名称中枚举一种字体。

  • Occasionally a brochure will be printed in a different typeface .

    不时印制一些不同 字体的小册子;

  • A bold typeface on a computer or printed in a book .

    电脑上显示的或印在书上的 黑体

  • Very modernized plane design element doodle typeface autotype 's playbill The very strong design flavor I like it .

    很现代化的平面设计元素,涂鸦的 字体,影印版的海报,很强的设计味道,我喜欢。

  • Grotesque : Group of typefaces calssified under the British Standard . A form of the sans serif typeface .

    哥耶斯格体:依英制标准分类的一组字体。是无衬线 字体的一种形式。

  • A group of related fonts of various sizes which share the same typeface name and typeface attributes .

    一组不同大小的相关字体的组合,拥有相同 字体名称和字体属性。

  • If a typeface is listed with only one variation it means there are no separate fonts available for bold italic or Bold Italic styles .

    如果 字样只列出了一个变体,则意味着没有单独的字体可用于粗体、斜体或粗斜体样式。

  • Readability . ?? The only important aspect of a text typeface is the readability .

    可读性是正文 字体的唯一考量指标。

  • The story is not interesting nor instructive . Have of may and there are typeface meaning and image meaning but have no implicit meaning .

    这个故事没有味道,也没有教育意义。有的可能 兼有 字面意义和形象意义,但没有隐含意义。

  • A typeface is which each character is given the same width ( as by a typewriter ) .

    一种每个字符宽度相同的 字体(象打字机一样))。

  • Have of may and there are typeface meaning and image meaning but have no implicit meaning . Full consciousness or conscious dreaming and intent are synonymous .

    有的可能 兼有 字面意义和形象意义,但没有隐含意义。全意识、有意识地梦想和意想是同义的。