


  • Objective To probe the value of pure tone checking accoustic impedence and checking up tympanic membrane electro-otoscopy tympanotomy in diagnosis of SOM .

    目的探讨纯音测听、声导抗测试与仔细的鼓膜检查、电耳镜检查、 鼓膜穿刺等方法对 分泌中耳 SOM 的诊断价值。

  • On the Paradoxes of Tao The application of transmeatal exploratory tympanotomy

    经耳道 鼓室探查 手术入路的应用

  • Objective : To study the method on comprehensive evaluation of the middle ear function in children with secretory otitis media ( SOM ) after tympanotomy tube insertion .

    目的:探讨儿童分泌性中耳炎(SOM) 鼓膜 后中耳功能综合评价的方法和 临床 意义

  • Conclusion : ECV pure tone audiometry DPOAE and inflation-deflation test are significantly clinical worth for comprehensive evaluation of the middle ear function in children with SOM after tympanotomy tube insertion .

    结论:应用ECV、纯音听阈测试、DPOAE以及咽鼓管功能测试对患儿 鼓膜 后中耳功能的恢复情况进行综合评价,具有临床指导意义。

  • Objective : To discuss the effects of tympanotomy tube insertion on distortion product acoustic emissions .

    目的:探讨分泌性 中耳 SOM)在 鼓膜 前后畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE 的变化。