


  • Preliminary Concept of More Electrical Technology Based on Turbofan Engine

    基于 涡扇发动机的多电技术研究初步设想

  • Aeroengine airstart assisted by the starter was presented to enlarge the turbofan airstart envelop based on the analysis of domestic development and application of correlation investigation .

    在分析国外相关研究工作发展和应用情况的基础上,提出了以起动机辅助航空发动机空中起动来扩大 涡扇 发动机空中起动包线的措施;

  • Computation and assessment of aerodynamic stability of turbofan engine for missile


  • The performance and aerodynamic stability of three turbofan engines were calculated with modified compressors and turbines characteristics .

    计算结果表明:在 低空 雷诺数对 涡扇发动机性能和稳定性影响可以 忽略 不计

  • Experiments on infrared radiation characteristics of exhaust system for a turbofan engine

    涡扇排气系统 模型红外辐射特性实验

  • Based on the configuration of turbofan engine and combining the concept of variable cycle engines the collectivity configuration of variable cycle engine is analyzed .

    基于 涡扇发动机的结构平台,围绕变循环概念,分析了变循环发动机的原理与结构。

  • This report discusses the study of detailed nonlinear real time performance simulation for a two spool turbofan engine with afterburner .

    本文就双轴加力 涡扇发动机详细非线性实时仿真模型进行了研究。

  • Aerodynamic stability assessment for compression component running in turbofan engine with distorted flow

    畸变进气时 涡扇 发动机整机环境下压缩部件气动稳定性评定

  • The development and design features of the high bypass ratio turbofan engine in foreign are comprehensively summarized .

    较为系统地总结了国外大涵道比 涡扇发动机的研制特点和设计特点。

  • Multiple Turbine Inter-stage Burners Turbofan Engine Performance Research

    多级涡轮级间燃烧室 发动机与常规 涡轮 喷气发动机性能对比研究

  • Power extraction method for acceleration and deceleration control law design of turbofan engine


  • Self-Adaptation Simulation of Turbofan Engine Based on Components Characteristics

    基于部件特性自适应的 涡扇发动机仿真

  • Preliminary analysis of thermodynamic cycle of an intercooled recuperated turbofan engine

    中冷回热 航空 涡扇发动机热力循环初步分析

  • Design and tests of jet fuel starter-assisted airstarts for turbofan engines


  • An Experimental Study on EEC Dynamic Model of a Turbofan Engine


  • Experimental measurements were performed in a low speed wind tunnel for both original and modified turbine LGV 's which are used in turbofan engines under different operating conditions .

    在低速风洞上,对 涡扇发动机涡轮低压导向器原型和改型进行了变工况条件下的详细流场测量。

  • Performance Deterioration and Control of Military Turbofan Engine

    军用 航空 涡扇发动机性能衰减及控制

  • In turbofan engine 's design the structure with a large meridional expansion was used between HP and LP turbine and this structure has brought the difficulty for the low pressure turbine design .


  • Ideal Starting Procedure Analysis and Optimization Control Investigation for Turbofan Engine


  • It sounds like you 're referring to the double-overlap nozzle which suggests some sort of WS-10A turbofan variant .

    貌似你指的是双交叠喷口意味着是 涡扇10A的某个升级版本。

  • The mission section the constrain conditions the weight composition of the maneuverable missile and the model of used in turbofan engine maneuverable missile were presented .

    简述了飞航导弹任务剖面、约束条件的给定、导弹的重量组成以及 涡扇发动机模型。

  • But today 's turbofan engines are so powerful and reliable that four may not be justified in future airliners .

    但是现在的 涡扇发动机功率很大并且很可靠,四发动机对于未来的飞机或许就不太合理了。

  • An Effective Measure of Enlargement Airstart Envelope for Turbofan Engine & Summary of Assisted Airstart for Aeroengine Starter

    1项扩大 涡扇发动机空中起动包线的有效措施&浅论航空发动机起动机辅助空中起动

  • As an example the development of a high bypass ratio turbofan engine was used to demonstrate how the constraints restrict design cycle parameters .

    以发展大涵道比 涡扇发动机为例,说明了约束条件对设计循环参数的限制。

  • And then taking a dual-shaft turbofan engine as an example numerical experiments were conducted for noise and results analysis . Finally the development of the system was discussed .

    然后以一个双轴分 涡扇发动机为例,针对气路部件故障诊断和优化调整给出了考虑噪声的数值试验分析。最后就该系统的发展进行了讨论。

  • A Simulation System of Turbofan Engine Based on Virtual Reality

    基于虚拟现实技术的 航空 涡扇发动机仿真系统

  • Analysis of Key Technologies of Turbine Structural Design for High Bypass Ratio Turbofan Engine

    大涵道比 涡扇发动机涡轮结构设计关键技术分析

  • This method has been successfully applied to a turbofan engine and the simulation results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method .

    本文将此方法成功应用于某 涡扇发动机,取得了良好的效果,验证了本方法的可行性。

  • A Digital Electronic Controller of A Certain Turbofan Engine
