


  • In this method the machining accuracy is controllable and it is suitable for machining involute profile with any parameter in turbocompressor .

    该方法加工精度可控,适用于任意参数 渐开线的 涡旋 压缩机型线加工。

  • Development of oxygen turbocompressor for 60000m ~ 3 / h air separation units

    60000m~3/h等级空分设备配套氧气 透平 压缩机的研制

  • The Vibration Analysis of Turbocompressor

    离心 压缩机振动分析

  • The paper presents briefly the designing high altitude simulating test and flying test of three-level turbocompressor system developed by America TMS company .

    本文简要介绍美国 热力学系统(TMS)公司开发的三级 涡轮 增压 系统的设计、高空模拟试验和飞行试验等。

  • Improvement of the Properties of Aeroengine by Turbocompressor

    利用 涡轮 增压 技术提高航空发动机性能

  • Application of vibration monitoring to chlorine gas turbocompressor

    振动监测在氯气 透平 压缩机 的应用

  • This paper presents a way of calculating the torsional natural frequencies and vibration modes of large turbocompressor shafts by the transfer-matrix method with the continuous-mass shafts model and the consideration of effects of gear mesh stiffness .

    以大型 透平压缩机组轴系为对象,提出了以连续质量的传递矩阵法求解在计及齿轮啮合刚度情况下轴系扭转振动的固有频率和振型的计算方法;

  • Torsional Vibration and Effects of Gear Mesh Stiffness of Turbocompressor Shafts

    透平 压缩机轴系扭振与齿轮啮合刚度影响

  • Turbocompressor is the important device in the industry department such as metallurgy petrochemicals natural gas transportation refrigeration etc.

    透平 压缩机是冶金、石油化工、天然气输送、制冷以及 动力等工业部门 广泛 使用 大型关键设备。

  • Study on the Thermodynamic Calculating Method of Turbocompressor and Its Programming Design

    透平 压缩机热力计算的方法及程序设计

  • The application of vibration monitoring in chlorine gas turbocompressor operation has also been introduced .

    介绍了振动监测在氯 压机 开动中的应用。

  • Improving the stability of turbocompressor with squeeze film damper and its optimal design

    利用挤压油膜阻尼器提高 透平 压缩机稳定性及其优化设计

  • On the base of this axial displacement Fault Self-Recovering ( FSR ) system was introduced to assure the safety and reliability of turbocompressor .

    在此基础上,引入轴位移故障自愈调控系统, 从而 能够 使得 透平 压缩机安全高效运行。

  • Research into Surge Mechanism and Surge Proof Strategy of Turbocompressor

    叶轮 压缩机喘振的机理及防喘振策略研究

  • Effect of Diaphragm Coupling on Torsional Vibration of Turbocompressor Shafts

    膜式联轴器对 透平 压缩机轴系扭振的影响

  • Turbocompressor Operation Condition Supervision System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology

    基于虚拟仪器技术的 透平 压缩机运行工况 在线监测系统

  • Improvement of the Instrument Control System for Oxygen Turbocompressor
