tubular glands

[医] 管腺

  • The glands of the stomach are typical simple branched tubular glands .

    胃腺是典型的单分枝 管状

  • The gland in glandular stomach assemble are just like wide sinus which is composed of simple tubular glands and tubulocinar glands .

    腺胃内 腺体成宽大集合窦状,为 单管状和 泡状腺。

  • The results showed that there is thick mucous membrane in the fundic glandular region and the lamina propria is occupied by long straight branching tubular glands consisted of mucus neck cells parietal cells chief cells and argentaffin cells .

    结果表明,双峰驼胃底腺区有发达的黏膜皱襞和厚的黏膜层,固有层中充满长而直的分支 管状 ,由颈黏液细胞、壁细胞、主细胞和亲银细胞组成。

  • Epithelia at gastric body and pyloric area sank inward respectively forming simple tubular fundic and pyloric glands no cardiac gland was found ;

    胃体及幽门区上皮分别内陷形成 单管状的胃底 和幽门 ,无贲门腺;

  • The tubular glands of carcinoma were lined by a layer of radiantlyarranged light and dark cells .


  • But the superficial simple tubular glands of the proventriculus showed weak reactions to PNA and ConA .

    腺胃浅层 单管对PNA和ConA反应呈弱阳性;

  • The glands in stomach were well developed which were composed of simple tubular glands and tubulocinar glands .

    胃内腺体发达,分布有大量的单管状 和复 管状腺。

  • This lesion is called a tubular adenoma because of the rounded nature of the neoplastic glands that form it .

    称为 管状腺瘤是因为形成的 腺体是圆的。

  • The esophageal glands the mucosal epithelia of proventriculus and the epithelial collecting sinus of the deep compound tubular glands of the proventriculus showed positive reactions to PNA and ConA .

    食管腺、腺胃粘膜上皮、腺胃深层复 管状 集合窦上皮对PNA和ConA反应均呈阳性;

  • The epithelial cells of the simple tubular glands in superficial layer are similar in shape to those of the epithelium mucosae .

    浅层 单管 上皮细胞形态与粘膜上皮细胞相似;

  • The secretory duct of the compound tubular glands in deep layer opens at top of the papilla .

    深层复 的分泌导管开口于乳头顶端。

  • Isolation Identification and Efficiency of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Strains from the Proventriculus of Affected Chickens ; The glands of the stomach are typical simple branched tubular glands .

    腺胃型传染性支气管炎病毒的分离、鉴定及其免疫保护作用的研究胃腺是典型的单分枝 管状