



  • The Microwave Extraction Techniques of Flavonoid in Eleocharis tuberose Peel


  • In order to realize the standard production of tuberose the practical standard of bulb quality was suggested .

    为实现 晚香玉的标准化生产,提出了种球质量的客观标准。

  • Middle Notes : The signature core of whimsical Red Tulips is surrounded by a velvety array of Rose Absolute Wild Honeysuckle Gardenia Petals and a touch of Tuberose .

    红色郁金香的倩影被绒缎般光滑的玫瑰 、忍冬、栀子花瓣及 夜来 触感 浓浓 围绕

  • Study and Application on Production in Vitro Seedlings of Eleocharis Tuberose


  • Evaluation Standard of Tuberose Bulb

    晚香玉 球的评价标准

  • Gladiolus tuberose dahlia chrysanthemum african chrysanthemum carnation applicable .

    剑兰, 晚香玉,大丽花,菊花,非洲菊,香石竹等适用。

  • Oncolite color with gray and brown the shape of oncolite is globosity ellipsoid oblatus and tuberose .

    核形石颜色以灰色、 棕褐色为主,有球状、椭球状、扁球状和不规则状。

  • The foliage pests of tuberose potted in laboratory and cultivated in greenhouse were investigated .

    对实验室 盆栽 晚香玉(PolianthestuberosaL.)叶部害虫进行调查和防治,并对温室 内地 晚香玉 花序害虫发生情况进行调查。

  • The disease seriously affected the quality of tuberose and reduced the ornamental and economic value .

    病害严重影响了 晚香玉 开花品质,从而降低了 晚香玉的观赏价值和经济价值。

  • Speaking of Tuberose I have fond memories of a small sudden a joke .

    说起 夜来 ,我还有一个小小的美好的回忆, 出了笑话。

  • He told me tuberose perfumes by day either while nobody merely catches it .

    他告诉我, 夜来 白天也有香味,只不过是无人嗅到它。

  • Study on antibacterial effect of the natural food antiseptics & extract of eleocharis tuberose peel in the food

    天然食品防腐剂& 荸荠皮提取物在食品中的抗菌效果研究

  • A New Potyvirus of Tuberose from China

    中国 晚香玉上的一个马铃薯Y病毒属新成员

  • For the coming year kinds of evening primrose Grandpa let me Quzhai Tuberose 's Seed the Seed Evening Primrose black about the size of soybean grain .

    为了来年再种夜来 ,爷爷让我去摘 夜来 的花籽,夜来 的花籽黑色,约有黄豆粒大小。