
[ˈtə:nˌɔf, -ˌɑf][ˈtɜ:nˌɔ:f, -ˌɔf]


  • With the ideal of closure the cut-off pressure the precise time or turn-off angle inverter control equipment to ensure reliable operation .

    具有理想的截流、截压、精确的 时间或 逆变角控制,保证设备可靠运行。

  • To analyze the reason of the three-stage engine turn-off delay of some liquid rocket engine the stable state fault module of the engine was established in this paper .

    为分析某液体火箭三子级发动机推迟 关机的原因,建立了发动机稳态故障的模型。

  • The main control parameters of SRD are opening angle turn-off angle phase current and phase winding voltage .

    SRD的主要控制参数有开通角、 角、相电流和相绕组电压。

  • Simulation results show that the after-flow diode keeps closed is the condition of ideal IGBT turn-off track during after-flow .

    通过仿真分析得知,在续流过程中IGBT能够理想 轨迹的条件是续流二极管不开通。

  • And the function relation is established between turn-off angle and rotor speed in order to reduce the torque and increase the torque .

    以降低转矩脉动,提高 平均转矩为目标,建立了 最优 角与转速之间的函数关系;

  • The turn-off characteristics determining the maximum operating frequency of ultra-fast photoconductive semiconductor switches are influenced by many factors .

    超快光电半导体开关的最大重复工作频率由 特性决定,而影响 特性的因素很多。

  • This old-school and desperate tactic is a total turn-off to potential employers and smacks of spam .

    这完全是学校的老式教育,也是无用的策略,这样做只会让雇主将你的邮件当做垃圾邮件 拒收

  • The function relation is made among the dynamic drive performance rotor speed and turn-off angle .

    利用动态模型仿真 数据 确立了电机转矩动态性能与转速、 角之间的函数关系;

  • The recent development of high-power semiconductor switching devices with controlled turn-off functions has made it possible to apply large-capacity converters to power systems .


  • This is the turn-off for Bath .

    这是 通往巴斯 岔道

  • Each of the first and second switches alternatively performs a turn-on operation and a turn-off operation .

    所述第一和第二开关的每一个都交替地进行导通操作和 截止操作。

  • Smoking is major turn-off to me .

    吸烟是我非常 讨厌 事情

  • IGCT is a kind of high power semiconductor based on GTO structure which achieves hard turn-off by the integrated gate circuit .

    IGCT是一种基于GTO结构并利用集成门极电路进行硬驱动控制的大功率半导体 开关器件。

  • For those who prefer very limited trading and usually hold very large accounts frequent trading is a turn-off .

    对于那些喜欢极限交易和通常拥有大账目的客户,频繁交易是 不行的。

  • When turn-off occurs the stored energy in the inductor dumps into the LED .


  • However at turn-off the diode current reverse for a reverse recovery time trr before falling to zero .

    然而在 时,二极管的电流在降至零之前有一个反向恢复时间。

  • The results were that TX-KA101 's its driving voltage is reasonable have three-sect current protection its soft turn-off time and over-current protect threshold value can be regulated .

    测试结果表明,TX&KA101输出驱动电压合理,具有IGBT过流三段式保护,慢 时间和过压保护阚值可调。

  • The biggest turn-off for a girl is self-doubt .

    对女孩子而言,最 扫兴的就是自我怀疑。

  • Israel scientists claimed that the scent of a woman 's tears is a major turn-off for men .

    以色列科学家日前宣称,女人眼泪的味道会让男性 兴趣

  • I find beards a real turn-off .

    我觉得胡子确实 令人 厌恶

  • Effects of Turn-off Angle to System for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives Based on Nonlinear Model

    基于非线性模型的开关磁阻电机 角对系统性能的影响

  • In the pulse width frequency modulation the realization of the flow pressure control it can be quickly opened the use of turn-off .

    在脉宽、频率调制下,实现对流量、压力的控制,也可作快速开启, 使用。

  • While sharp words can be an effective call for attention perceived selfishness is a huge turn-off .

    虽然激烈的话语能够引起听众的注意,但如果这被认为是以自我为中心的表现, 得不偿失了。

  • Doug : well here 's the turn-off for the vegetable stand . I hope they have fresh corn .

    道格:过了这个 转变就可以 看到蔬菜摊了。希望他们有新鲜的玉米。

  • It 's a total turn-off for me .

    我会对她一点 感觉没有

  • Hematopoiesis is one of the most important highly regulated multistage process which includes orderly turn-on and turn-off of many genes ; any wrong modulation may result in blood diseases .

    血细胞形成是一个包括多个基因有序的开启和 关闭,复杂而又精密的调控过程,调控异常会导致各种血液病的发生。

  • Why couldn 't they just keep quiet and let him concentrate on driving ? Their talking had already caused him to miss the last turn-off on the highway .

    为什么她们就不能保持安静,让他好好的专心开车呢?她们 叽叽喳喳的谈论已经让他错过了上一个高速公路 出口

  • I found that a big turn-off .

    我觉得让我很 倒胃口

  • Novel Control Strategy of Turn-on and Turn-off Angle Current Ratio for Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Motor

    永磁式双凸极电机新型开通 角控制策略的电流比研究

  • For confirming the methods efficiency the turn-off transient mathematical model based on the chopper circuit is developed according to the proposed mathematic model of the turn-off .

    常规 升压斩波电路的基础上,采用 高频 开关技术和引入 电流反馈的方式,提出了一种改进型的 升压斩波电路。