turnover number

[ˈtɚnˌovɚ ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈtə:nˌəuvə ˈnʌmbə]


  • Research on aero-engine turnover number and controlling method

    航空发动机 周转 计算与控制

  • Bone turnover markers'concentrations in RA were proportional to the number of swollen and painful joints .

    在RA组,骨 更新标志物浓度和骨关节肿痛的病人 数量呈正比。

  • Through our campaign Sparlee 's brand value rapidly growth turnover continued to rise and a number of agents distributors enthusiastically joined to discuss cooperation .

    实德斯柏丽品牌价值经导入后迅速增长, 营业额不断攀升,并引来 众多代理商、经销商踊跃加盟,洽谈合作。

  • From the point of interface technology technical character hot metal turnover time hot metal accepting capacity occupancy factor of crane and number of reladling pits have been studied .

    本文从界面技术的角度研究了不同布置型式倒罐站的技术特征以及铁水 转运周期、倒罐站受铁能力、车间起重机作业率、倒罐坑 数量等命题;

  • In the product mix lenses accounted for the lion 's share of optical turnover as premium products grew in number and popularity .

    在产品混合透镜占了大部分的光学 转交使优质产品 数量上增长和大众化。

  • This thesis defined two brand-new concepts intercultural adaptability index and the turnover intention index and we can use a number to reflect their relative degree .

    为了验证这一 假设是否成立,本文提出了跨文化适应能力指数和 离职 倾向指数两个全新的概念,旨在通过 数量来反映跨文化适应能力和 离职 倾向的相对强弱。

  • One-way transit time turnover time the number of passenger capacity and operational vehicles and so on can have the influence to the travelers ' choice . These are the main parameters optimization of bus operation organization mode indicators .

    公交车辆运行的单程时间、 周转时间、载客量以及运营车辆 等都会对出行者的选择产生影响,是对常规公交运营组织方式进行优化的主要参数指标。

  • In other countries the turnover research is relatively mature in China in recent years quite a number of experts and scholars put forward their views and countermeasures in view of these problems but the lack of quantitative research as a reference .

    在国外,关于 员工 流失的研究相对较成熟,而在国内,近年也有 不少的专家学者对此类问题展开相应研究,但由于大都缺乏定量的研究,从而未能形成有效的解决方案。

  • Zoucheng Travel Service the turnover of Jining in the top three in a row for the number one brand in Zoucheng City .

    邹城市旅行社, 营业额在济宁地区连续排名前三位,为 邹城市第一品牌。

  • The complex exhibited a high catalytic actvity on the hydrosilylation of olefins with triethoxysilane . Even at a molar ratio of olefin to complex of 10 ~ 5 the hydrosilylation reaction took place smoothly with the turnover number more than 80 .

    该配合物用量为烯烃摩尔数十万分之一时,仍能有效地催化烯烃与三乙氧基硅烷的硅氢加成反应,单程烯烃 转化 可达80000。

  • In the first six months of the year Korea accounted for a quarter of the global turnover in derivatives contracts by number of contracts according to Citigroup .

    据花旗集团(citigroup)称,在今年前6个月中,韩国衍生品合约 交易 数量占到了全球的四分之一。

  • Results and Conclusion : ( 1 ) the factors including the scale quantity outpatients emergent patients and the turnover rate of hospital beds were closely correlated with the number of inpatients thus were main factors of effect on change of inpatients ;

    结果与结论:通过关联度排序,(1)医院的规模、数量和门急诊入次及病床 周转次数与入院 人数的关联程度最高,是影响入院人数变化的主要因素;

  • The wages growth and the employee turnover model provided the very good strategy to resolve the problem and the number principle model will prove its reliability .

    工资增长和企业雇员 流失的模型为企业提供了很好的雇员保持策略,通过 数理模型证明了它的可靠性。

  • Transforming process for patients by using management method can shorten the average length of stay reduce the burden of patients accelerate bed turnover and increase the number of patients .

    通过管理手段,实施住院流程的优化改造,能有效缩短手术患者的平均住院日,减轻经济负担,加快医院 床位 周转,提高收治能力,实现了患者和医院的 双赢

  • A range of factors was used to assess the candidates : biographical data ; size scope and complexity of the company ( including turnover and number of employees number of sectors and countries of operation ) ; and competitive landscape .

    用来评估候选人的一系列因素包括:个人履历;所在公司的规模、业务范围和复杂程度(包括 营业额、雇员 人数、部门数量和已在哪些国家开展业务);以及竞争版图。

  • The data described above for computing the accounts receivable turnover rate and the average number of days to collect accounts receivable can be concisely stated as shown in the following equations

    下列公式详细列明了以上计算应收账款 周转率和收回应收账款所需平均 天数的有关数据

  • The catalyst prepared through macroporous aminomethyl resin showed the most efficient in the catalytic oxidation of ethylbenzene with moderate yields ( total yield up to 69.9 % turnover number 55.3 ) . The yields of these compounds are moderate .

    其中,使用大孔氨甲基树脂为载体合成的催化剂能有效地催化乙苯氧化得到较好的 转化 (总收率达69.9%, TON值达 55.3)。

  • The report also found that advertisers whose annual turnover was less than 20 million have accounted for 70.9 % of the total number of advertisers and they played an important role in the search engine market .

    报告还发现,年 营业额在2000万元以下的广告主份额达到 70.9%,在广告主构成中占重要地位。

  • Sensitive assays require a highly purified enzyme with a high turnover number and a low detection limit for the reaction product . Diagnostic enzymes produced by recombinant DNA technology which increased yield and quality of enzyme and simplified preparing process improved the development of EIA greatly .

    利用基因工程生产诊断用酶,使酶的纯度 大大提高,产量及质量均较自然来源酶好,简化了制备程序,大大促进了酶免疫分析技术的发展。