


  • Robinson also visited the Amhara region of Ethiopia with some of the group known as The Elders including Archbishop Desmond Tutu .

    罗宾逊还访问了埃塞俄比亚的阿姆哈拉州,同行的还有一些被称为“长老”的人,包括大主教总教主 德斯蒙德·图图

  • Three Peace Prize laureates - South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu Mairead Maguire of Northern Ireland and Adolfo Perez Esquivel from Argentina ? have demanded the US $ 1.2 million prize money not be paid this year .

    三位和平奖得主&南非大主教德斯蒙德• 图图、北爱尔兰的梅利艾德•马奎尔和来自阿根廷的阿道夫•法勒斯丘韦要求今年不要支付其120万美元的奖金。

  • Tutu started his professional life as a teacher and became a priest at30 .


  • Television cameras also showed South African Nobel laureate and retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu wearing a team jersey and dancing in the stands .

    电视转播镜头显示,诺贝尔奖得主、前南非大主教德斯蒙德‧ 图图身著南非队服,在看台上手舞足蹈。

  • After Obama chuckled Tutu added But I am glad you are black .

    奥巴马轻声笑了, 图图又说,“但是我非常高兴你是 年轻的黑人 议员。”

  • Desmond Tutu became the most famous Anglican Archbishop in South africa .


  • For Tutu reconciliation makes the future possible by enabling healing and forgiveness .


  • But Tutu told guests in Cape Town this week he did not stand alone-he said he had the support of his fellow citizens and of the international community .

    这周, 图图在开普敦对他的客人说,他并不是孤军奋战,他有来自于同胞和国际社会的大力支持。

  • His fellow campaigner against apartheid Archbishop Desmond Tutu said he was not only an amazing gift to humankind he made South Africans and Africans feel good about being who we are .

    曾与曼德拉一道抵制种族隔离政策的南非大主教德斯蒙德 图说曼德拉不仅是上天赐给南非的礼物,而且也激起了南非人民和非洲人民的民族自豪感。

  • The movement has gained the support of Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu of South Africa . In a statement Tutu says This is not a minority issue . We are all growing older .

    这项行动还得到了南非诺贝尔奖得主 图图的支持,他在声明中称,这不是个小众问题,我们每个人都在变老。

  • The milestone is being celebrated with events over three days culminating Saturday with the inaugural address of the Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture .

    具有里程碑意义的是为期三天的活动,庆祝高潮 德斯蒙德图图国际和平讲座就职演说星期六。

  • During his visit to South africa the president met Archbishop tutu .

    总统在访问南非期间会见了 图图大主教。

  • You look good Tutu .

    你看起来好 漂亮 兔兔

  • Tutu : Oh good ! Color it yellow and black .


  • She felt gross in her tutu like something in a circus .

    她觉得 穿着 短裙 臃肿,就象是在马戏场上一样。

  • Le Tutu five tattered numbers of Pantalon Blanc et Culotte Rouge a blue French telegram curiosity to show .

    芭蕾 短裙》,五期破破烂烂的《白长裤与红短裤》,一封蓝色的法国电报,足以炫耀一 的珍品。

  • Twenty-three years later the rainbow nation as Archbishop Tutu exuberantly labelled the post-apartheid society is still a work in progress .

    23年后的今天,当日被 图图大主教兴奋地称之为后种族隔离社会彩虹之国的南非仍然道路漫长。

  • Lessons will take in the Blue Room of the historic Union building more commonly used as the venue for debates among venerable statesmen including Winston Churchill and former Archbishop Desmond Tutu .

    钢管舞课程的授课地点将设在剑桥大学赫赫有名的 蓝厅 。英国前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔和前大主教 德斯蒙德·图图都曾在“蓝 发表 演说

  • It is the source of the Archbishop Tutu 's laughter .

    这是 图图大主教的源头的笑声。

  • His fairy wings pink tutu and ballet pumps suggest this little boy has raided the dressing up box .

    这个小家伙 身穿粉色 芭蕾 短裙和舞鞋,背着一对精灵翅膀, 看来着实费心打扮了一番。

  • An archbishop of the Anglican Church Tutu was a fighter against apartheid and now works to help those with AIDS .

    一个圣公会大主教, 图图是一名反对种族隔离的战士,现在做着帮助艾滋病患者的工作。

  • Bishop Tutu actually had to stop and shush them .

    校长实在不得不停下来“ ”他们。

  • Put on this coat Tutu .

    穿上这件大衣, 兔兔

  • In a brief appearance before reporters Tutu praised his visitor and mentioned that the thought Obama would make a good candidate for president .

    在记者面前短暂露面, 图图表扬他的访问者并且提到奥巴马将会是一个好的总统候选人的想法。

  • Desmond Tutu Center for AIDS Research is to undertake clinical trials of the AIDS vaccine one of the main body .


  • Archbishop Tutu appreciated long before it became a commonplace that the cult of Mandela risked blinding people to the colossal problems facing South Africa .

    早在其他人普遍认识到问题之前, 图图大主教便发现,对曼德拉的狂热崇拜可能让人们忽视南非面临的巨大问题。

  • The photographer who has recently moved from Brooklyn to New Jersey started the TuTu Project when his wife Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 .

    2003年, 凯里的妻子琳达被诊断出患有乳腺癌,就是从那时候起他开始了自己 芭蕾舞照计划。凯里最近从布鲁克林搬到了新泽西。

  • The rule in costume was the frilly tutu the short stiffly-projecting skirt worn by every ballerina .

    服装一律是有褶边的 短裙,即每一个女演员所穿的用硬壳撑起来的短裙。