turret lathe

[ˈtə:rɪt leð][ˈtɜ:rɪt leɪð]


  • A C336K & 1 turret lathe is used in this case .

    监用此法对 C336K-1回轮式六角 车床进行激励和 模态分析。

  • NC system design on the hydraulic turret lathe

    液压 车床数控系统设计

  • The Design and Implementation of Electric Turret Control System for Economical CNC Lathe

    经济型数控 车床电动 刀架控制系统的设计与实现

  • Based on the experiences obtained in group technology machining used on automatic single spindle turret lathe the article describes the group technology method grouping of parts the compilation of operation cards and attention points in layout of earns .

    本文根据使用单轴 自动 车床进行成组加工的方法,叙述了无 编码成组加工的方法、分组方法、编制调整卡片以及设计凸轮时的注意事项。

  • Application of group technology machining on automatic single spindle turret lathe

    在单轴 自动 车床 应用成组加工

  • This is a heavy duty turret lathe . turntable ladder special crew

    这是一台重型 转台 车床。旋转台钢梯车特别队

  • This is a heavy duty turret lathe .

    这是一台重型 转台 车床

  • A new scheme of NC system for hydraulic turret lathe is given in this paper .

    给出一种液压 车床数控系统的改造设计方案。

  • Breaking Gear Analyzing and Improvement Measure for the Cross-Slide of Turret Lathe


  • A tool rack device added to the turret of NC lathe

    在数控 车床 上增设跟刀架装置

  • The intelligent tool turret controller uses the characteristic of the MCU setting up a bridge between lathe tool turret and CNC ( numerical control system ) .

    本控制器利用单片机的特性,在 刀架与CNC(数控系统)之间架起一座桥梁。

  • The most common form of lathe is the turret lathe it consists of a horizontal bed supporting the headstock the carriage and the turret .

    最常见的车床形式是以 图解方式 显示 车床,它由一个支承床头箱、拖板和六角刀架的水平床身组成。

  • Automatic turret lathe automatic back tool turning machine with hydraulic copying

    自动 塔式 车床自动液压仿形背刀车床