turning angle

[ˈtə:nɪŋ ˈæŋɡəl][ˈtɜ:nɪŋ ˈæŋɡl]

[机] 折转角

  • Effect of Front Wheel Turning Angle and Wheel Braking Status on Automotive Track Simulation

    前轮 转角和车轮制动状态对汽车轨迹模拟的影响

  • Relation Between Walking Hydraulic Motor 's Displacement and Turning Angle

    行走马达排量与 转向 之间的关系

  • In this paper firstly we discuss these questions . A series of formulae computing the instantaneous turning angle are proposed and proved .

    在本文我们首先讨论了这些问题,提出并证明一系列计算瞬时 安全 转角的公式。

  • A kind of algorithm for the optimal path of manipulation arm which possesses restraint of joint turning angle based on dynamic solution region and has n degree of freedom was put forward .

    提出了一种基于动态区间映射的 数据对象 布局算法,在均衡数据分配和最少迁移数据方面都是统计意义上最优的,并且支持 按照存储节点的权重分配数据和任意的数据对象副本。

  • By adopting the partial coordinates system and the turning angle of globe hinge the position of moving platform was described and the influence on working space of parallel robot affected by factors of turning angle of motion pair rod length and interference of branch chain etc.

    选用局部坐标系和球铰的 转角描述了动平台的位置,分析了运动副转角、杆长、支链干涉等因素对并联机器人工作空间的影响。

  • The turning angle of the stalks on the platform increases gradually when the conveyer is in motion .

    在收割台上茎秆下层 转角大于上层 转角,这种 转角在输送带输送过程中逐渐增大。

  • In order to get rid of this problem ideal shifting effect is obtained by adding steering wheel turning angle sensor and road slop identifier introducing the informations of sloping road and curved road and adopting fuzzy logic technology to modify the double parameter shifting rule .

    针对此问题,通过增加转向盘 转角传感器和道路坡度辨识器,引入坡道和弯道信息,并采用模糊逻辑技术修正二参数换档规律,从而取得了理想的换档效果。

  • In ordinary laser tracking and measuring system the target coordinates are determined by measuring the variation of distance and the turning angle .

    一般激光跟踪测量系统通过测量距离变化量和跟踪 转角来确定目标的位置坐标。

  • Firstly based on ' Magic Formula ' a bilinear tire model is set up to correct tire lateral forces which are calculated from ' bicycle model ' with high speed or large turning angle .

    基于魔术公式建立双线性轮胎模型对高速大 转角的bicyclemodel轮胎侧偏力进行修正,得到较之更准确的结果。

  • The primary localization of template on image is obtained by comparing the signatures which are based on the turning angle between the neighbouring tangent vectors at the naturally parameterized edge curve of image and template .

    以自然参数化的边缘曲线上相邻点切矢之间的 转角为计算依据,通过对图像与模板的特征曲线进行比较,实现了模板的初步定位。

  • In this article a quick method is presented to come up with the turning angle and the turning point immediately which can be applied to general turning-climb procedures .

    本文提出一种依据空域和相邻飞行程序的衔接快速确定 转弯 角度和转弯点的方法,该方法可以推广到一般的转弯爬升程序。

  • The ball-to-pipe diameter ratio governs the handle turning angle at which the valve becomes closed .

    圆管子直径比率控制阀门关闭的 旋转 角度

  • This paper introduces the main construction and the working principle of the speed control system of sine wave PM synchronous motor and discusses with the emphasis on the detection of the turning angle of the motor rotor .

    本文介绍了稀土永磁正弦波电机调速系统的主要结构和工作原理,着重讨论了转子 转角检测这一重要问题。

  • The optical system of the flame-observing tube is discussed in detail and the result of the optical system design with a turning angle prism is given in this paper .

    在本文中,对火焰观测仪的光学系统作了详细讨论,并给出带有 转角棱镜的光学系统设计的结果。

  • An object recognition and localization algorithm based on local feature ― turning angle between neighbouring tangent vectors is presented .

    提出了基于切矢 转角局部特征的目标识别与定位算法。

  • As contrasted with the experimental study on blade negative curving in turbine cascade with large turning angle an experimental study of blade positive curving was also carried out under identical conditions .

    在与大 转角透平叶栅叶片反弯曲的实验研究相同实验条件下,对大 转角透平叶栅叶片正弯曲进行了实验研究。

  • In the course of reversing the driver should carefully observe the space on both sides of the front so as to avoid scratching arising from an unduly large turning angle .

    倒车过程中,要随时注意车头两侧的空间位置,以免因 转向 角度过大而发生刮擦事故。

  • A numerical investigation about effects of boundary layer suction in low-speed compressor stator cascade with large turning angle was carried out .

    本文采用数值方法研究了低速条件下附面层抽吸对大 转角矩形叶栅流场的影响。

  • For the need of control robot and camera to work together this paper calculates the relationship of the object change on image and turning angle of the camera . And this paper designs the method of controlling the robot and camera work together .

    在涉及到车体、摄像机协调运动控制时,本文推导了图像上目标位置变化与云台控制摄像机 转角之间的关系,并设计了协调车体和摄像机运动的方案。

  • And put emphasis on describing main characteristics of machine coordinate selection from 4 coordinate joint . - act system mechanical decoupling technique of turning angle system basic design of the hardware and software in microcomputer controlled system and the anti - interference measures .

    着重说明整机的主要特性、四坐标联动系统的坐标选择、 转角系统的机械去耦技术以及微机控制系统硬、软件的基本设计和抗干扰措施。

  • The volume of basic unit and the leakage line length as a function of turning angle are defined .

    确定了 任意 转角 位置 的基元容积大小及漏泄线长度;

  • There is model error except differential model . The bisection model and equal turning angle model are equivalent each other .

    除微分模型外,其它三种模型均存在模型误差,其中等分模型和等 转角模型是等价模型。

  • Introduced leveling process of workpiece and the formation of bracket turning angle in detail ;

    详细介绍了工件调平过程及托架 转动 角度的形成;

  • Formulas were deduced for the calculate of the turning angle of outside wheel and the minimum steering transmitting ratio for the dual Ackerman steering of tractors .

    推导了拖拉机双梯形外侧转向轮的 转角以及最小传动角的解析计算关系式。

  • The mathematical calculational formulas of machine tools turning angle and tooth-leap number are deduced in theory .

    导出了机床 和跳齿数的理论数学计算公式。

  • Research on Turning Angle to Avoid Collision between Ships with Particle Swarm Optimization

    粒子群算法在多船 转向避碰中的研究

  • The minimum turning radius and the maximum turning angle were determined through paddy field testing and the stability was ensured .

    通过水田试验,确定了该机滚船转弯时不发生横向倾翻的最小转弯半径和最大 转向 ,保证了其转弯稳定性。

  • The turning angular rate and turning angle under different conditions are deduced by fuzzy theory taking wake entry angle and wake direction as two input variables .

    将模糊控制理论应用于尾流制导弹道设计中,以入尾流角度和尾流方向变化量为输入,通过模糊推理得出针对不同情况下的回旋角速度和 回旋 角度