The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming
那是一首 夹杂 着 撩拨的吉他 声 和 密集的鼓点的 激情 四射的歌曲。
He speaks with an American twang .
他说话带着美国人 特有 的 鼻音。
the nasal twang of his voice .
他说话 时 的 鼻音
With the twang the bird fell to the ground just as Geng Lei said before .
更羸 拉 满 弓,随着一 声 弓弦 响,真的像更羸所说的那样,大雁应声落地。
Her voice had a slight Australian twang .
她声音 里带有一点澳大利亚 鼻音。
The string broke with a sharp twang .
拨弦 声 ; 嘣的一 声;
The string broke with a loud twang .
弦断了, 发出 “ 嘣 ”的一声。
For many years this meant English first with received pronunciation then with an American twang .
多年来,这意味着英语,首先是标准的英国发音,然后是 带 鼻音的美式英语。
The voice issuing from the whiskers had the same nasal twang but was kind and pleasant and his hand was firm and respectful .
从络腮胡中发出的声音带有 浓重 的 鼻音,但也是温和愉快的。他 搀扶 着 她的手显得 既坚定又有礼貌。
His voice had a strange mid-Western twang but it was polite and respectful .
他带有中西部 口音,但还是客客气气的。
Igawa has been a project for Guidry this season an odd intersection of igawa 's Japanese culture and guidry 's Cajun twang both mixing in the hopes of retiring Major League hitters consistently .
古伯伯本季对于井川庆寄予厚望,那是一个奇怪的 井川庆日本文化与古伯伯的交集,混杂了将大联盟打击者解决的希望。
We heard a twang as the cable broke .
绳索断时我们听到 “ 嘣 ”的一 声。
Hearing the twang of the bowstring it assumed that it was doomed . He draws back the target arrow at the anchor point with this drawing hand .
它一听到我拉开 弓弦的声响,就 惊慌得支持不他有拉弦手向后拉弓弦直到满弓点。
Remote Access Dial-In User Service cause to sound with a twang .
远程准入拨入用户服务使用 拨弦 的 方式使发音。
His guitar makes a noise like a wooden ruler being twanged upon a desk
他的吉他发出一 声仿佛木尺弹在 课桌上的噪音。
Cause to sound with a twang .
使用 拨弦 的 方式使发音。
Still taciturn he could when he wanted engage in repartee which though neither fluent nor smart had the right twang to it .
他还是不大爱说话,可是要张口的时候也勉强的要点俏皮,即使说得不 圆满利落, 好歹 是 那么 股子 劲儿。
The fiddle began to twang .
小提琴 声 渐起。
Twang of tennis balls bouncing off tightly-strung tennis rackets .
网球从绷紧的球拍上弹出时 蹦的一声响。
Sound with a twang as of a bowstring .
使用弦发出的 声音, 比如弓弦。
She rang the bell till it broke with a twang ; I entered leisurely .
她拉铃,一直到把铃 拉断了:我悠闲地走进来。
Sarah Colwill believes she has Foreign Accent Syndrome ( FAS ) which has caused her distinctive West Country drawlto be replaced with a Chinese twang even though she has never even visited the country .
SarahColwill认为自己得了“外国口音综合症”,这就是为什么她原本典型的西方拉长调子讲话的腔调,变成了中国人的 鼻音(纳闷:中文的 鼻音很明显吗?),而且她之前从未去过中国。
Dairyman Crick was discovered stamping about the house . He had received a letter in which a customer had complained that the butter had a twang .
她们看见奶牛场老板克里克先生在屋子里 直跺脚,原来是他收到了一位顾客的来信,信中抱怨他 生产的黄油带有一 股 怪味。
Well I didn'tlose my Taxes Twang completely .
我并没有完全丢掉我的德州 口音。
He speaks quietly with a slightly nasal New England twang and with a calm self-assurance .
他讲话声音不大,略带新英格兰 味道 的 鼻音,还有一 股子沉着自信。
There certainly was a twang .
黄油里肯定有一 股 怪味 儿。
She speaks with a real twang .
她说话 鼻音 很 重。
There are such words as joy and sorrow but they are only the burden of a psalm sung with a nasal twang while we believe in the ordinary and mean .
现在还有快乐啊,悲哀啊,这种字眼,但这些都只是用 鼻音唱出的赞美诗的叠句,实际上我们所信仰的 还是平庸而卑下的。