ultrasonic level gauge

[ˌʌltrəˈsɑnɪk ˈlɛvəl ɡedʒ][ˌʌltrəˈsɔnɪk ˈlevl ɡeidʒ]


  • Change the open channel water conveyance into pipeline full flow water conveyance installed the ultrasonic liquid level gauge and pipe flow gauge on the inflow point and surface of pipe water level and discharge would detect in real time .

    将测流渠段明渠输水改造成管道满流输水,分别在管道进口前及管管上安装 超声波 液位 和管道式流量计,将水位和流量实时测出。

  • Application of Gas Medium Ultrasonic Water Level Gauge in Different River

    气介 超声波 水位 在不同河流中的应用

  • Currently there are many methods to detect water level such as float-type water level gauge pressure-type water level gauge and ultrasonic water level gauge etc.

    当前检测水位的方法有许多种,如浮子式水位计、压力式水位计、气介或液介 超声波 水位 等,在不同的情况下有着不同的应用。

  • The structure function and working theory of the CCS ⅱ type ultrasonic water level gauge was introduced here . Its practicality and reliability were demonstrated by Nanning hydrologic station .

    对CCS-Ⅱ型 超声波 水位 的结构、功能、工作原理进行介绍,并通过南宁水文站试用情况来论证仪器的实用性和可靠性。

  • Ultrasonic liquid level gauge used to real-time measure the upper level and tail level of the two sections then the computer calculated average water level gradient of water table and discharge ;

    超声波 液位 将测 段的上下游两断面水位实时测出,再用计算机分时段算出平均水位、水面坡降及流量;