


  • Application of ultrafiltration pretreatment in reverse osmosis desalination system


  • In this experiment the ultrafiltration technology of ACE inhibitory peptides derived from fermented milk was studied .

    本实验采用 超滤 分离发酵乳中的ACE抑制肽,研究了 超滤 工艺的主要技术参数。

  • Effect of different solvents and ultrafiltration on the extraction of sweet potato protein were investigated in this paper .

    探索了不同的提取溶剂和 超滤对甘薯蛋白提取的效果。

  • The separation of1 from fermentative broth by a combination of ultrafiltration and alcohol precipitation was well investigated .

    介绍了 超滤 -醇沉法从发酵液中提取1,3-丙二醇的工艺。

  • Objective To isolate and purify polysaccharide from Angelica sinensis by ultrafiltration technology .

    目的研究 超滤 分离纯化当归多糖组分的工艺。

  • Cellulose Acetate The first commercial membranes for reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration were made from cellulose acetate .

    纤维素醋酸酯第一个商业用反渗透膜和 滤膜是由纤维素醋酸酯制成。

  • Effects of different solvents on structures and performances of PVDF ultrafiltration membranes

    溶剂种类对PVDF 滤膜结构和性能的影响研究

  • The associated water treatment of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis was introduced and researched in this paper .

    介绍了将 滤膜和反渗透膜联用的水处理工艺,并对此种方法进行了研究。

  • Objective : To apply ultrafiltration technology in extracting and separating polysaccharide from sugarcane leaves .

    目的:应用 超滤技术对甘蔗叶多糖进行提取分离。

  • This paper deals with the pilot test of the Yangtze River by coagulation associated with ultrafiltration ( UF ) .

    采用混凝和 滤膜联用技术进行处理长江地表原水的中试试验。

  • The effect of water concentration in the casting solution on structure and properties of polysulfone ultrafiltration membranes

    铸膜液中水含量对聚砜 滤膜结构和性能的影响

  • Study of membrane fouling control methods to immersed ultrafiltration operation

    浸没式 滤膜运行中膜污染控制方法试验研究

  • Ultrafiltration followed by discontinuous diafiltration was carried out to examine the result of purification of alkaloids .

    研究了 超滤 连续稀释过滤对生物碱的纯化结果。

  • The Application of Dual Membrane Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Process in Printing and Dyeing Wastewater Reuse


  • Preparation and Application in Oil-Water Separation of Cellulose Asymmetric Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane ;

    采用中空纤维 超滤器从灵芝 发酵 中分离和浓缩灵芝多

  • Membranes are used for micro and ultrafiltration dialysis and reverse osmosis amongst other processes .

    膜用在微滤、 超滤,渗析和反渗透以及别的一些过程中。

  • The molecular weight distribution of oligopeptide in soybean protein enzymolysis products was determined through ultrafiltration combined with gel filtration chromatography ( GFC ) .

    研究采用 超滤 与凝胶过滤色谱(GFC)相结合实验方法就大豆蛋白酶解产物寡肽混合物的分子量的分布状况进行了测定。

  • The pumpkin pectin was obtained by alcohol precipitation after ultrafiltration .

    试验 采用 超滤 浓缩后乙醇沉淀制备南瓜果胶。

  • Limiting flux during the ultrafiltration of citrus pectin was investigated .

    研究了柠檬果胶 超滤时极限透过率规律。

  • By far applications of reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration dominate the use of membranes in the food industry .

    到目前为止,反渗透和 超滤 技术在食品工业中的应用占主导地位。

  • Study on Separation and Purification of Kelp Polysaccharide by Using Countercurrent Chromatography and Ultrafiltration Grade Separation Method

    逆流色谱和 超滤分级法分离海带多糖的研究

  • Pilot study of seawater desalinization pretreatment by ultrafiltration

    海水淡化 过程 超滤预处理中试研究

  • The Application of Dynamic Membrane and Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis in Industrial Water Treatment

    动态膜及 超滤反渗透在工业水处理中的应用

  • The recent research progress of organic-inorganic hybrid ultrafiltration membranes was reviewed .

    对有机-无机杂化 滤膜的最新研究进行了综述。

  • Study on mechanisms and impacts of aeration on the membrane flux in drinking water ultrafiltration membrane treatment

    给水 滤膜系统中曝气对膜通量的影响及其机理研究

  • Cellulose ; Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane ; Oil-Water Separation ; Anti-Fouling ;

    纤维素;中空纤维 滤膜;油水分离;抗污染;

  • Research Progresses in Micelle Enhanced Ultrafiltration Technology and Its Application in Wastewater Treatment

    胶团强化 超滤技术及其在废水处理中的应用研究进展

  • Abs tract : Ultrafiltration of Huaihe River water source combined with coagulation treatment with pilot-scale experiment was conducted .

    本研究采用混凝 超滤联用处理 工艺对淮河水进行了中试试验。

  • The progress in search on controlling and cleaning of membrane pollution in ultrafiltration separation

    超滤 过程中膜污染控制和膜清洗的研究进展

  • Study on treatment of production wastewater of recycle paper by polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane

    聚砜 滤膜处理再生纸生产废水研究