


  • Those become the sign of development direction of ultra - smooth free-form surfaces machining .

    机器人化设备可以提高加工的自动化程度是制造自动化发展的重要方向。开展基于机器人平台的 光滑自由曲面加工技术的研究是可行的。

  • Modern physicists can bring the ultra - high and ultra-low temperature into being in their laboratories if they have good equipment .

    如果现代物理学家有了好的设备,他们能在实验室里创造 出超高温和超低温。

  • The design principle structure design and material design of ultra - thin asphalt concrete pavement are summarizes .


  • Production Process and Application of Ultra - fine Powder of Polyethylene Wax

    聚乙烯蜡 超细粉的生产工艺和应用

  • Through researches on the ( ultra - ) supercritical boiler under different conditions of temperature distribution point wall the temperature control line ( A line ) of safe operation under different load is obtained .

    通过对超( )临界锅炉不同工况点管壁温度分布情况的研究,得到了不同负荷下的安全运行温度控制线(A线)。

  • Ultra - precision Machining and It 's Application for X-Ray / EUV Optics

    X射线&极紫外光学中的 精密加工及其应用

  • Influence and Prevention of Dust in Precision Machining and Ultra - precision Machining

    精密和 精密加工中粉尘微粒的影响与防止

  • Investigation on the properties of new type ultra - fast radiation detector

    新型 超快探测器性能研究

  • This paper introduces the development of high quality no - carbon brick for refining ladle and the application in the production of clean steel and ultra - low - carbon steel .

    介绍优质无碳砖的研制及其在精炼钢包生产纯净钢和 低碳钢中的应用。

  • Modeling of DT ( direct tunneling ) current in ultra - thin gate oxide n MOSFET 's is researched .

    研究了 超薄栅氧MOS器件的直接隧穿(directtunneling,DT)电流模型问题。

  • Research on mechanical properties of ultra - fine grain steel


  • History Current Situation and Future Prospect on Studies of Ultra - fine Particles


  • Ultra - fast laser pulse is the most important part of the ultra - fast communication systems .


  • Development and application of composite ultra - fine fly ash and special concrete technology

    复合 超细粉煤灰与特种混凝土技术的开发与应用

  • Application and Development of Linear Motor in Ultra - precision Machining

    直线电机在 精密加工技术中的应用和发展 超声 层析 X 射线 摄影机

  • An economical technique is presented of conventional tape recording and replay for ultra - low frequency signal .

    介绍一种经济实用的用普通磁带记录与回放 低频信号的方法。

  • Methods : Ultra - high pressure .

    方法: 高压处理。

  • Study on Application of Ultra - fine Grinding Technology in Flour Processing


  • Suitable low moisture and ultra - low moisture of Jaguar 3 ( 2 ) under normal temperature storage and low temperature storage were the same and they were 8.96 % and 4.94 % separately ;

    美洲虎3号(2)常温和低温贮藏适宜的低水分和 低水分均相同,分别为8.96%和4.94%;

  • Conductance under high pressure Methods : Ultra - high pressure .

    高压电导研究方法: 高压处理。

  • Ultra - fine β - TCP powder is prepared by mechanochemical method with stirred mill . The effect . of grinding time thermal treating temperature and time on properties of β - TCP powder are discussed .

    利用搅拌磨的机械化学效应合成了 超细β-Ca3(PO4)2)(β-TCP)粉末,研究了磨矿时间、热处理温度和时间对β-TCP粉末性能的影响。

  • Method : The microstructure and ultra - structure were observed and analysis of tissue metrology was made .

    方法:利用光镜观察各 胎盘的组织显微结构形念变化,并用 体视学方法进行组织计量学分析。

  • The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Through analyzing ( ultra - ) supercritical boiler high temperature pipe common heating surfaces material composition and structure obtain the results about the different components influencing on the material oxidation resistance .

    其主要研究结论如下:(1)通过对超( )临界锅炉高温管道常见受热面材料成分与结构分析,得到了不同成分对材料抗氧化性能的影响。

  • Contribute little to either ultra - violet astronomy or X-ray astronomy .

    所以气球携带的仪器对 紫外线天文学或X射线天文学的贡献是不大的。

  • It shows the Taiwan government is ultra - sensitive to its leading companies leaving the stock market .

    它表明台湾政府对主要企业离开台湾股市 为敏感。

  • Study on the influence of compound ultra - fine fly ash on properties of recycled concrete

    复合 超细粉煤灰对再生混凝土性能影响的研究

  • Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio proved that they are very much still together with an ultra - private getaway to Carmel California last week .

    布莱克莱弗利和莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥于上周以 极端私人的方式共赴加利福尼亚州的卡梅尔,这也证实了两人在一起传言的真实性。

  • History and Development of Ultra - Light Mg Alloy


  • Considering the unit efficiency and wall temperature the influence on the oxide skin generating speed through checking the security and economy the temperature control line ( B line ) of high temperature heating surfaces of the ( ultra - ) supercritical boiler under economic operation is got .

    综合考虑机组效率及管壁温度对氧化皮生成速度的影响,通过安全和经济校核,得到了超( )临界锅炉经济运行的高温受热面的温度控制线(B线)。