abbr.Ultra Low Frequency 超低频率

  • An Artificial ULF / ELF Electromagnetic Source Used in Geophysical Prospecting

    一种用于地球物理探测的人工 低频/极低频电磁场源

  • The Diagnostic Evaluation of The Nerve Sheath Cell Tumors with ULF & MRI ( In 79 Cases )

    神经鞘细胞肿瘤的超 MRI诊断价值(附 79例分析)

  • In the time domain the self-potential anomaly emerged first and ULF magnetic field changes arose then .

    在时间序列上先出现自电位异常,然后是 低频磁场的变化;

  • Evaluation by running window smoothing is used for the digital pro-cessing of the polarization of geophysical ULF signals .

    信号的偏振状态可以用来研究信号的物理 属性 传播介质特性。本文利用滑动窗平滑估值方法,将输入两 正交信号分量作为线性基上的 信号进行数字处理,求取偏振 参量

  • Application of ULF Geological Remote Sensing Device in Gas Detection


  • Test shows that this research can solve the problem of which the normal electromagnetism rate transducer can not inspect the ULF absolute vibratory .

    实验表明,本研究方案较好的解决了普通电磁式速度传感器不能检测 低频绝对振动问题。

  • Characteristics of anomalous subsurface vertical electric changes in VLF and ULF bands

    地下垂直电场在VLF和 ULF频段内的异常变化特征

  • Design and Analysis Of ULF Vibration Sensor


  • This research offers the technical scheme of detecting ULF Absolute Vibratory signal by the normal electromagnetism rate transducer .

    本研究提出了一种利用普通的电磁式速度传感器检测 低频绝对振动信号的技术方案。

  • The Failure Repair of ULF Function Occurrence Machine


  • The record principle and anomaly features of ULF electromagnetic disturbance

    地震 ULF电磁扰动接收原理及异常特征

  • Study on optimizing technique for transfer function of the ULF absolute vibration sensor


  • Effects of Electric Conductivities on the Propagation of ULF MHD Wave


  • The main spectral components are distinguished in the heart rate variability spectrum : ultra low frequency ( ULF ) very low frequency ( VLF ) low frequency ( LF ) high frequency ( HF ) components .

    心率变异性 功率谱主要成份分为 低频、极低频、低频、高频。

  • Introducing the basic principle of ULF function occurrence machine and the familiar failure of electric circuit and the main methods of repair .

    本文介绍了 低频函数发生器的基本原理,以及电路的常见故障和检修方法。

  • The practical method of realizing ultra low frequency ( ULF ) vibration sensor by using magneto-electric velometer which can make the lowest measurable frequency less than 0.5 Hz and keep the optimum damping remaining via cascade connection correcting circuit .

    本文提出了利用磁电式速度计实现超 低频振动传感器的实用方法&通过串联式校正电路,在保持最佳阻尼的同时,使可测最低频率降至0.5Hz以下。

  • The transducer made by this research not only has the feature of measuring high precision and good currency but also the mini volume and light weight convenience to take it is suitable for the scale and analysis of ULF absolute vibratory signal in production .

    根据这种方案研制的传感器系统不仅测量精度高、通用性好,而且体积小重量轻,携带方便,适合在生产 现场 低频绝对振动信号进行测量与分析。

  • Thereafter to use ULF geological remote sensing device on ground surface can block out gas concentration range and predict its extent .

    据此,在地面使用 低频地质遥感探测仪,即可 探测出地下瓦斯气的富集范围,预测其 富集程度。

  • Hygienical Survey of Ship ULF Magnetic Field


  • Project Coordinator ULF petzschmann examines Neolithic and Bronze Age ceramic vessels found in the7000-year-old dwelling mound site .

    考古学家在检查从遗址中发现的新石器和 铜器时代的瓷器。

  • The paper introduces the precise measuring circuit of ultra-low frequency voltage based on the characteristics of the measurement of ULF .

    根据超 低频电压信号测量的特点,给出了一种精密测量电路。

  • The record principle and anomaly features of ULF electromagnetic approach are described in this paper .

    本文主要介绍 探测 ULF电磁 扰动方法的接收原理和异常特征。

  • ULF electromagnetic radiation observation and data process methods

    低频 ULF 电磁辐射观测与资料处理方法

  • Estimation of the Diagnostic Values and Limits of Lumbar Disc Disease with ULF & MRI

    MRI诊断腰椎间盘病变的价值与 限度

  • Mr Perczel came up with the idea under the guidance of Professor Ulf Leonhardt .

    派采尔正是在 里奥哈茨教授的指导下提出了他的构想。