

[医] 尺骨的,尺侧的

  • The Neuromuscular Compartments of the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris and the Flexor Carpi Radialis The rounded head of the ulna produces a bulge on the posterior side of the forearm just above the wrist .

    腕屈肌和桡侧腕屈肌内神经 分布和血供特点的研究尺骨的圆头恰在腕上前臂后侧产生一个膨大。

  • Objective To introduce clinical experience and significance of operational treatment about ulnaris collateral ligments injury of thumb metacarpophalangeal articulation .

    目的介绍拇指掌指关节 副韧带损伤手术治疗的临床意义。

  • Investigation of muscle spindle distribution on the two muscular compartments of human flexor carpi ulnaris

    侧腕 屈肌肌亚部肌梭分布研究

  • Objective To reveal feature of morphology of human flexor carpi ulnaris ( FCU ) by investigating muscle spindle distribution of ulnaris compartment and radial compartment .

    目的 查清 侧腕 屈肌 亚部和桡侧亚 的肌梭分布情况,进一步揭示该肌的形态学特征。

  • Investigation of compartmentalization on human flexor carpi ulnaris

    侧腕 屈肌亚部化研究

  • Applied Anatomy of Flexor Carpi Ulnaris


  • Flexor carpi ulnaris transfer for restoration of elbow flexion

    侧腕 屈肌移位重建屈肘功能

  • Profundus nervi ulnaris are muscular branches which mainly dominates hypothenar muscles all of the interosseous muscle third and fourth lumbrical muscles adductor pollicis muscle and deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle .

    神经深支均为运动肌支,主要支配小鱼际肌、全部骨间肌、第3和4蚓状肌、拇收肌、拇短 屈肌深头。

  • Objective To analyse the results of flexor carpi ulnaris ( FCU ) transfer for restoration of elbow flexion .

    目的分析应用 侧腕 屈肌移位术重建屈肘功能的疗效。

  • The deep palmar arch besides the traditional ( view-point ) also consists of the branches of the redial artery and the ulnaris digiti minimi artery .

    掌深弓除传统介绍外尚见到由桡动脉和小指 动脉分支所形成。

  • Methods The following electrophysiologic tests were conducted in 82 patients with clinically diagnosed cubital tunnel syndrome : 1 . electromyography ( EMG ) of the first dorsal interossei abductor digiti minimi manus muscles and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles ;

    方法对临床诊断为肘管综合征的82例(82侧)患者,测定以下电生理检查:(1)第一背侧骨间肌,小指展肌, 屈腕肌的肌电图(EMG);

  • Of the 40 cases in the rupture injury with nerve repair group 31 showed no functional recovery while 8 showed recovery of the flexor carpi ulnaris or flexor digitorum profundus but no functional recovery of the intrinsic muscles of the hand .

    断伤修复组中8例的 屈腕肌及指深 屈肌肌力恢复至M3+,但手内在肌功能未恢复。

  • Angle was the first risk factor of fatigue of extensor carpi ulnaris ( ECU ) ED and FCR .

    角度是主动肌 侧腕伸肌(extensorcarpi ulnaris,ECU)、ED和拮抗肌FCR疲劳的首位危险因素。

  • Methods : 16 cases of CuTs were treated by means of decompression and anterior transposition of the ulnaris nerve . The blood supply distribution features of the ulnar nerve in cubital tunnel were observed during the operation and the curative effects were evaluated after the operation .

    方法:对16例肘管 综合 患者施行带血供 神经 显微 前置术,术中观察尺神经肘管段的血供 分支分布特点,术后观察其疗效。

  • Objective : To provide anatomic materials for reconstruction of function of flexing elbow joint by the transposition of flexor carpi ulnaris for clinical practices .

    目的:为临床应用 侧腕 屈肌转位重建屈肘功能提供解剖学依据。

  • Applied anatomy of flexor carpi ulnaris transposition for elbow

    带蒂 侧腕 屈肌转位重建屈肘功能的应用解剖

  • Results Five ligaments were dissected . Posterior oblique ligament and dorsal radial ligament are thick and tension the first interosseous metacarpal ligament is the second anterior oblique ligament is wide but laxity ulnaris ligament narrow but thin .

    结果我们解剖出5条韧带,后斜韧带和背桡韧带厚 且较紧张,第一掌骨间韧带次之,前斜韧带宽但薄 松弛, 韧带窄而薄。

  • Conclusion : Decompression and anterior transposition with blood supply of the ulnaris nerve is an effective method for treatment of CuTs .

    结论:带血供 神经 前置 是治疗肘管 综合 的一种有效方法。

  • On distal articular surface of trapezium bone central area is higher than palmaris area and dorsal area but lower than ulnaris area and radialis area .

    大多角骨远端关节面中央部较掌侧部、背侧部 凸起,但较 和桡侧部低。

  • Objective : To investigate the relationship between sEMG signal and force during fatiguing contractions in flexor carpi ulnaris muscle ( FCU ) and biceps brachii muscle ( BB ) respectively based on wrist and elbow flexions .

    目的以腕-肘关节为例,探讨不同水平运动负荷诱发 侧腕 屈肌(FCU)和肱二头肌(BB)疲劳过程中sEMG信号与各关节最大屈肌肌力的关系。