unauthorized user

[计] 非特许用户,越权用户

  • The 802.1x protocol is a access control and authentication protocol based on the model of Client / Server too which can prevent the access of unauthorized user to local area network through the access port .

    802.1x协议同时也是基于Client/Server的访问控制和认证协议,它可以限制 授权 用户或设备通过接入端口访问局域网资源。

  • The security technologies such as firewall intrusion detection and data encryption have been developed to prevent unauthorized user from stealing faking and destroying data .

    为防止 非法 用户利用网络系统的缺陷进行数据的窃取、伪造和破坏,人们发展了防火墙、入侵检测、数据加密等安全技术。

  • This is particularly important with MakeConnection because otherwise an unauthorized user could retrieve messages destined for another system .

    在MakeConnection中,具备这种能力尤其重要,否则, 授权 用户可以轻松截获发往其他系统的消息。

  • In database system it is a serious problem how to protect data security and to prevent unauthorized user 's modification .

    在数据库应用系统中,如何保证数据的安全、防止 授权 用户 非法 访问和修改,已成为一个重要的问题。

  • Physical access to your servers and your databases may be compromised allowing an unauthorized user to access them .

    对服务器和数据库的物理访问可能受到危害,使未 授权 用户得以访问它们。

  • Access Can an unauthorized user successfully access a control that only the administrators are authorized to use ?

    访问一个 授权 用户能成功访问只有经过授权的管理员才能使用的控制权吗?

  • In data security an unauthorized user who tries to gain entry to a computer network by defeating the system 's access controls .

    在数据安全领域,一种 授权、又企图躲过系统存取控制程序的检查而进入计算机网络的 用户

  • The disadvantage is that if the federation is corrupted few safeguards prevent an unauthorized user from gaining access to controlled information .

    缺点在于,如果联合被破坏,很少有防护措施来防止未 授权 用户获得对受控信息的访问。

  • You will log on as another user not authorized to work on the task to make sure unauthorized access is also working as it should and not show the task in the user 's To-Do list .

    您可以使用另一个未经授权处理任务的 用户身份登录,以确保不管是否应该在To-Do列表中显示任务, 授权访问都可以正常运行。

  • Access control technology protects the security of application system by developing a control strategy . Its main purpose is to protect system resources from unauthorized user access or unauthorized access by legitimate users .

    访问控制技术通过制定某种控制策略来保障系统的安全性,其主要目的在于保护系统资源不 非法 用户访问或者被合法用户非法访问。

  • If an unauthorized user is allowed to gain physical access to the server there is a potential for him to obtain secured data or to do severe damage to the server .

    如有 授权 用户被允许对服务器进行物理访问,那么他有可能盗取了加密数据或对服务器进行严重的破坏。

  • Typically a closed community site or extranet site like this presents an unauthorized user with a login page instead of the home page .

    通常,完整的社区站点或外部网站点会向 经过 身份 验证 用户 显示一个登录页面,而不是主页。

  • In CSRF attacks unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the Web site trusts .

    在CSRF攻击中,从Web站点信任的 用户处传播 授权的命令。

  • The GPS is controlled by the American Department of Defense . Its unauthorized user only can obtain low positioning accuracy without safety .

    但GPS是由美国国防部控制的,对 授权 用户,其所能获得的定位导航精度较低,且使用安全性无法得到保障。

  • Backdoor is a software program that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a machine and the means for remotely controlling the machine without the user 's knowledge .

    后门是一个软件程序,使黑客未 授权访问的机器和手段,远程控制的机器在 用户不知道。

  • Testing access will help you find out if an unauthorized user can successfully access a control that only the administrators are authorized to use .

    测试访问将帮助您查明一名 授权 用户是否能够成功访问一个只有管理员有权使用的控件。

  • If the user does not have access to the document in question then an error displays when the agent runs ( for example Entry not found in index or Unauthorized to attempt that operation ) .

    如果 用户没有所讨论文档的访问权限,那么在代理工作时将显示错误(例如,“Entrynotfoundinindex”或“ Unauthorizedtoattemptthatoperation”)。

  • Digital fingerprinting is a technique for identifying unauthorized copy and tracing back to its user .

    数字指纹技术是一种用来辨认 非法拷贝,追踪 授权 用户的新技术。

  • Note Do not use this procedure in a production environment to allow unauthorized access to user data in violation of corporate policies regarding privacy and security .

    小心请不要在生产环境中使用此过程允许 授权的用户访问 用户数据。这样做可能会违反贵公司的隐私和安全政策。