unauthorized access

[计] 非特许存取,越权存取

  • Continuous monitoring assists in preventing unauthorized access to the Web server .

    持续监控有助于阻止 授权 访问Web服务器。

  • Note Do not use this procedure in a production environment to allow unauthorized access to user data in violation of corporate policies regarding privacy and security .

    小心请不要在生产环境中使用此过程允许 授权 用户 访问用户数据。这样做可能会违反贵公司的隐私和安全政策。

  • In a safe and secure environment these files should be removed from all production Web servers and applications as they can be manipulated to allow unauthorized access .

    在安全的环境中,应该从所有生产Web服务器和应用程序中删除这些文件,因为攻击者能够利用它进行 非法 访问

  • It is one of the widely used methods to prohibit unauthorized access to the data over the network .

    这种方法广泛用于阻止通过网络对数据进行 授权 访问

  • In this case the functionality is speed and the risk is allowing unauthorized access to files on the system .

    在我们的例子中,功能性是速度,而风险是允许对系统上的文件进行 授权 访问

  • Every database management system must be able to protect data against unauthorized access and modification .

    每个数据库管理系统都必须能保护数据不会 受到 授权 访问和修改。

  • Data must be protected from unauthorized access and modification .

    防止对数据进行 授权 访问和更改。

  • Dedicated to security matters these professionals can offer unconventional advice for securing data from unauthorized access .

    这些专业人员专门处理安全问题,能够提供不同寻常的建议来保护数据避免 授权 访问

  • A firewall can help prevent unauthorized access to your computer from the outside world .

    防火墙可以阻止外部网络对您的计算机进行 授权 访问

  • Sites should take reasonable steps to protect personal data from unauthorized access .

    网站应采取合理的步骤保护个人资料,使其免受 授权 取得 使用

  • Protecting information on a system is always a critical task from unauthorized access .

    保护系统上的信息不受 授权 访问一直都是一个关键任务。

  • How is the information protected from unauthorized access ?

    如何保护信息不 授权 访问

  • It usually has built-in security features that help protect against unauthorized access to customer data .

    通常具有内嵌的安全性特征,保护客户数据拒绝 授权 访问

  • Unauthorized access & Gaining unauthorized access to a Web service or its data .

    授权 访问&获得对Web服务或其数据的未经授权的访问。

  • When not in use doors should be locked to avoid unauthorized access .

    在不使用时,应锁好车门,以避免 授权 访问

  • Most of the time its content is not protected against unauthorized access from the users in this infrastructure .

    大多数时间,不会针对此基础设施内的用户的 授权 访问对其内容进行保护。

  • Password protection allows you to hide your sensitive data from unauthorized access .

    密码保护允许您隐藏您的敏感数据免遭 授权 访问

  • To help protect your account against unauthorized access we may need an alternate way to verify your identity .

    为了帮助保护您的帐户对 授权 访问,我们可能需要另一种方法来验证您的身份。

  • It involves constructing and analyzing protocols that prevent unauthorized access .

    加密涉及到构造和分析用来防止 授权 访问的协议。

  • A Demilitarized Zone enables further protection from malicious or unauthorized access attempts from outside the Enterprise Secure Zone .

    隔离区允许进一步抵御来自企业安全区之外的恶意或 授权 访问尝试。

  • Valuable assets including intellectual assets and information are protected from unauthorized access or use .

    有价值的资产,包括知识产权和信息, 授权不得使用。

  • Specify a user name and password to prevent unauthorized access to the network resource .

    指定用户名和密码以阻止 匿名 访问网络资源。

  • For this reason unauthorized access to sensitive data is a security risk that you must address .

    出于这个原因,对敏感数据的 授权 访问是您必须解决的安全隐患。

  • The TAMOS centralized policy management technique prevents unauthorized access and monitors accesses to sensitive data and resources .

    TAMOS集中策略管理技术可防止 授权 访问并监控对敏感数据和资源的访问。

  • Incidents can include unauthorized access malicious code ( such as viruses ) network probes and denial-of-service attacks .

    事件可能包括 授权 访问,恶意代码(如计算机病毒),网络探测,拒绝服务攻击。

  • PIN-controlled security helps prevent unauthorized access to your sensitive UPS delivery information .

    由PIN控制的安全性帮助防止对您的敏感的UPS递送信息的 授权 访问

  • Consul software tracks employee behavior and unauthorized access of company records .

    领事软件铁轨雇员的行为和 擅自 获取的公司记录。

  • Some files are configured to have very restrictive permissions to prevent unauthorized access .

    某些文件是被配置有非常苛刻的权限以阻止 未知 命令

  • The security of the site must be adequate to detect or prevent unauthorized access .

    该网站的安全必须得到足够的,以发现或防止 授权 访问

  • It may be necessary to secure event payloads from unauthorized access using access control .

    可能需要使用访问控制来保护事件负载免受 授权 访问