


  • In the accelerated social transition period the social life has a number of unadaptable social phenomena and problems in all aspects which is the focus of current social problems research .

    社会进入加速转型期后在社会生活各个领域内均 出现诸多 不能 完全 调适的社会现象和问题,这是目前社会学界研究的重点问题之一。

  • As China and Korea both belong to a Confucianist cultural circle in ancient times their agricultural civilization proves to be so unadaptable as to hinder them in their start of modernization drive when they encounter a modern industrial civilization in the West .

    古代中朝儒家文化圈国家属农业文明,在与西方近代工业文明相遇后, 明显 暴露了自己的 极端 适应,阻碍了中朝现代化的起步。

  • It makes players unadaptable in body function and mind .

    对运动员 会产生身体机能 适应,从而 造成思想上的 障碍

  • The method takes into consideration the inheritance of existing technologies for satellite network but its unadaptable characteristics are also exposed in the study .

    这种方法考虑到了卫星网络对于已有技术的继承,但其 适应性 的特点也同样在研究中暴露出来。

  • In the aesthetic creative activities on the one hand style and personality are adaptable and on the other they are unadaptable .

    文章 认为,在审美创造活动中,风格与人格 有相适应的一面,又有 适应 一面

  • The information balanced psychotherapy proposes that the individual mental disorders are produced owing to the unadaptable idea which is not match to the actuality .

    信息平衡心理疗法认为个体的精神障碍是由 自身持有 适应观念所 造成的,这些观念具有与客观现实不匹配等特点。

  • The ideological and political construction is unadaptable to the new historical situations which is a pressing issue facing the military construction .

    思想政治建设不 适应新的社会历史条件,是部队建设亟待解决的一个重要问题。

  • However with the progress of history the old labor and social security system had become unadaptable to the requirements of economic and social development .

    但随着历史的发展,旧的劳动和社会保障体制已 不能 适应经济和社会发展的要求。

  • Because of the lower level of logistics in China unadaptable to EC the author gives some suggestions on the principles and strategies for building the system of the third person logistics and the system of enterprises ' logistics operated by themselves in China .

    由于我国物流发展的水平较低, 不能与电子商务 实现 直接 对接所以我国第三方物流体系与企业自营物流体系的构建 必须 符合我国国情的原则和策略。

  • Moreover threads change their requirment of resources with the the change of their program behavior when they compete for resources it is difficult for an unadaptable resource sharing control policy to supply continuing optimization of resource distribution .

    另外,各线程在竞争共享资源的过程中随着程序行为的变化表现出变化的资源需求, 适应性 的资源共享控制策略将很难持续地提供优化的资源分配方案。

  • At present Our social security faces serious conditions such as the increasing numbers of lay off workers unemployment aging population which make the current social security system unadaptable for the society development .

    现在我国社会保障面临严峻形势,下岗人员、失业人员增多,人口老龄化,致使目前的社会保障制度 适应 经济和社会发展的需要。

  • Furthermore facing the new network environment the traditional moral education also appears a series of unadaptable affairs .

    同时,面对全新的网络环境,传统道德教育 工作 本身也呈现出一系列的 适应 状况

  • In normal colleges for the art educators who combine the teaching of teenagers ' art skills with the cultivation of their art emotion such arrangements are apparently aimless and unadaptable so the reform of the music course in normal colleges becomes urgent .

    对于培养 旨在 从事青少年艺术技艺与艺术情感合一的艺术教育者来说,这种课程有着显著的 针对性和 适应性,高师音乐课程改革迫在眉睫。

  • This anchor rod can be used not only on hard rock but also under the condition in which others are unadaptable .

    这种锚杆不仅可以用于硬岩,而且还可以在 适合其它 锚杆的条件下加以应用。