


  • Objective : To study the distribution of HBV genotypes in chronic asymptomatic HBV carriers of Uigur in Xinjiang .

    目的:研究新疆 维吾尔族乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)慢性无症状携带者的HBV基因型分布。

  • A comparative research on RHD gene structures of Chinese Han and Uigur population

    中国汉族和 维吾尔族RHD基因结构的比较研究

  • The Iraqi rebels are the fighters for freedom not the Uigur cowards .

    伊拉克游击队才是自由战士, 维吾尔胆小鬼不是。

  • This paper describes a method of uigur part-of-speech tagging with third-order Hidden Markov Model .

    本文提出了将三阶隐马尔可夫模型运用到 维吾尔 词性标注中的方法。

  • Many words have been borrowed from Chinese to Uigur in their contact .

    维吾尔 在和汉语的 长期接触中借入了大量汉语词语。

  • Pharmacokinetics of fluconazole tablets in Chinese Uigur and Han healthy volunteers

    氟康唑片在中国 维吾尔族和汉族健康人体内的药代动力学

  • Analysis of relationship between dental caries and fluoride among Uigur children in Tarim Basin of Xinjiang

    新疆塔里木盆地 维吾尔族儿童龋齿与氟关系分析

  • Study on Distribution of HPV Subtypes of Uigur Women in Xinjiang Hotan Karasay Township

    HPV各亚型在新疆和田喀尔赛乡 维吾尔族妇女中的分布研究

  • Study on Seeding Methods of Wheat Under Conservation Tillage in Sandy Area of Southern Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region


  • The modern Uyghur language is widely spoken Uigur nationality in the long process of historical development between the Uyghur ethnic form obvious dialect difference .

    现代维吾尔语是 维吾尔民族普遍使用的语言,在很长的历史发展过程中,使用维吾尔语的民族之间也形成了明显的方言差异。

  • There is no significant difference between Uigur and Kazak ( P0.05 ) .

    维吾尔、哈萨克 群体上述 频率无显著性差异(P>0.05), 支持了两 民族 遗传上的 相近性。

  • Lal and he completed each other . The Uigur minority miss of the beauty amiability kind and genial and good young man .

    拉尔和他就彼此彼此,各自都臻善臻美了。美丽可爱的 维吾尔族姑娘和善良的小伙子。

  • The Traditional Gold Earring Art of the Uigur nationality

    新疆 维吾尔族传统黄金耳饰艺术探微

  • Uigur and Kazak are two of the most typical and classical nationalities in Xinjiang .

    维吾尔族与哈萨克族是新疆最具典型性的 民族之一。

  • Uigur Part-of-Speech Tagging Based on Rules and Statistics ; Chapter four to expound the execution and significance of the Chinese-teaching interaction .

    马尔可夫模型在 维吾尔 词性标注中的应用第四部分阐述语文教学隐性互动的实施与意义。

  • The investigation of pathogens in Uigur women with sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease


  • Modern Sibo spoken language refers to the Sibo language that used in Chabuchar Sibo Autonomous County Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous District .

    现代锡伯语口语指以新疆 维吾尔自治区察布查尔锡伯自治县为中心使用的锡伯语。

  • Uigur nationality is one of the 56 minority nationalities in China .


  • Results : There was difference of LVH between Kazakh and Han Uigur and Han .

    结果:同一性别的哈萨克族与汉族, 维吾尔族与汉族左室肥厚比较有显著性差异。

  • Uigur Storage and Participle on the Uigur Web Information Retrieval System

    WEB 维文信息检索系统中 维文的存储和特征项 抽取

  • The infection frequency of HPV high-risk subtypes was different between the Uigur and Han cervical cancer .

    HPV高危亚型感染频率在 维吾尔族、汉族宫颈癌中不同。

  • Research and Application Based on Data Warehouse in Uigur Medicine Resource of DSS

    基于数据仓库技术的 维吾尔医药资源决策支持系统的研究与应用

  • But even they weren 't able to stop vigilante group of Han Chinese attacking Uigur men .

    然而,他们也不能阻止汉族义警组织袭击 维吾尔族人。

  • Expressions of MMP-7 MMP-2 in the Xinjiang Uigur nationality with esophageal carcinoma and its correlation

    MMP-7、MMP-2在新疆 维吾尔族食管癌中的表达及其相关性研究

  • The research of the minority income gap and the cause of formation in the northwest & a Uigur perspective

    西北地区少数民族居民收入差距及成因研究&以 维族

  • Consideration on Both Nationalities of the Uigur and the Han 's Architecture in Aksu & Each Ethnic Identity Expressed in Architecture by Either the Uigur or the Han

    阿克苏地区维汉两族建筑的民族性研究& 维汉两族在建筑中体现出的身份认定

  • Clinical-pathological Features of Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy in Xinjiang Uigur Adults

    51例 维吾尔族成人特发性膜性肾病的临床与病理

  • The Uigur minority miss of the beauty amiability kind and genial and good young man .

    美丽可爱的 维吾尔族姑娘和善良的小伙子。

  • Objective To provide the morphological data of proximal femurs of normal Uigur adults in Xinjiang uygur autonomous region .

    结论 维吾尔族正常成年人骨股上段结构有其特点,可为临床应用提供依据。