


  • The results showed : the best condition of the enzyme separation with organic solvent is that the ultrafiltrate was concentrated 2.5 to 3.2 times then adjust the pH to 8 and add 1.5V refrigerant ethanol .

    试验结果表明: 超滤的最适浓缩倍数为25~32;浓缩液pH值为8,冷乙醇按照酶与乙醇体积比1∶15加入为最佳分离条件。

  • The cleaning conditions of ultrafiltrate membrane such as cleaning agent time and temperature were studied . The results show that the optimum conditions is 0.5 % enzyme cleanout agent 40 ℃ 0.5 h.

    对膜的清洗进行了 简单的探讨,通过对清洗剂、清洗时间、温度3因素的正交实验,确定了最佳的膜清洗条件,即05%含酶清洗剂,清洗温度40℃,清洗时间 05h

  • The concentrations of free phenytoin and carbamazepine in serum were determined by ultrafiltration and the concentrations of both antiepileptics in serum and serum ultrafiltrate and that of phenytoin in saliva were detected with fluorescence polarization immunoassay .

    本文应用超滤法测定血清中游离苯妥英钠、卡马西平浓度。并采用荧光偏振免疫法对患者血清、血清 滤液进行2种抗癫痫药物的测定及唾液中苯妥英钠 的测定,研究它们的相关性。

  • Transudate : extravascular fluid collection that is basically an ultrafiltrate of plasma with little protein and few or no cells . Fluid appears grossly clear .

    漏出:属于血浆的 滤液,含有少量蛋白,极少量细胞,液体澄清。

  • Concentrations of TNF - α IL-1 β and IL-6 in plasma ultrafiltrate and dialysate were measured 0 1 2 4 6 and 8 hours after HVHF and HD by ELISA .

    酶联免疫法检测治疗前和治疗1h、2h、4h、6h和8h时血、 滤液及透析液中TNF-α、 IL-lβ、IL-6的浓度(单位均为 ng L)。

  • IL-1 β and IL-6 were detectable in ultrafiltrate .

    滤液 未能 检测 TNF- α 可持续检测到IL-1β、IL-6;

  • Using Fingerprint Technology to Evaluation Chinese Medicine Oil-bearing Water Bodies Ultrafiltrate Reverse Osmosis Process

    指纹图谱技术对中药含油水体 滤液反渗透工艺的评价

  • Determination of Normal Value of Free Tryptophan in Serum Ultrafiltrate and Total Tryptophan in Serum

    血清 滤液中游离色氨酸与血清总色氨酸的正常值测定

  • TNF - α IL-6 and IL-10 were detected in the ultrafiltrate .


  • Optimization of Reverse Osmosis Process of Oil-Bearing Water Bodies Ultrafiltrate from Compound Chuanxiong Capsules

    复方川芎胶囊含油水体 滤液反渗透过程工艺参数优化研究

  • The process to ultrafiltrate penicillin fermentation broth was decided .

    选定了 超滤 处理青霉素发酵液的流程。

  • The ultrafiltrate membrane is polluted and the membrane flux is reduced during the purification of soybean peptide by ultrafiltrate membrane .

    大豆肽经 超滤分离 ,膜被污染,膜通量下降。

  • Conclusion IL-1 β in the follicular fluid comes not only from plasma ultrafiltrate but also from luteinizing granulosa cells .

    结论卵泡液中IL-1β不仅来源于血浆 滤液,而且由黄素化颗粒细胞分泌,再作用于黄素化颗粒细胞,抑制颗粒细胞分泌孕酮,影响黄体功能。

  • Study on the Contamination and Cleaning of Ultrafiltrate Membrane in the Ultrafiltration of Orange Juice


  • Determination of the Concentrations of Phenytoin and Carbamazepine in Serum Serum Ultrafiltrate $ and Saliva and Study of the Correlations Between them

    苯妥英钠、卡马西平在血清、血清 滤液、唾液中浓度的监测和相关性探讨

  • Retentate Effect Evaluating on Ultrafiltrate of Gentamicin Fermentation Broth

    超滤 处理庆大霉素发酵液的截留效果评价方法的研究

  • The effect of pH to ultrafiltrate soybean whey by different membranes was studied .

    实验研究溶液pH值对不同 滤膜 超滤大豆黄浆水的影响。

  • In all patients volumes of ultrafiltrate were recorded .

    所有患者记录 治疗 前后 超滤 量;