
abbr.the United Kingdom联合王国

  • Some US manufacturers have been sizing up the UK as a possible market for their clothes

    一些美国生产商一直在观察 英国是否会成为他们的成衣潜在市场。

  • The report ranks the UK 20th out of 22 advanced nations

    报告中把 英国排在22个先进国家中的第20位。

  • They 've just finished a sell-out UK tour that climaxed with a three-night stint at Brixton Academy .

    他们刚刚结束在 英国的巡回演出,演出场场爆满,最后在布里克斯顿学院进行的为期3天的演出将此次活动推向了高潮。

  • Bob Dylan is lining up a two-week UK tour for the New Year .

    鲍勃·迪伦正在组织一个为期两周的 英国新年巡回演唱会。

  • It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK .

    它自称是 英国最受欢迎的电视台。

  • He sees no signs of improvement in the UK and continental economy .

    他看不到 英国与欧洲大陆经济好转的迹象。

  • Carers from all over the UK lobbied Parliament last week to demand a better financial deal


  • You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK


  • Travel and tourism employees in the UK are among the worst paid in the developed world

    在发达国家中, 英国的旅游行业雇员报酬最低。

  • UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes .


  • Brian decided to leave the UK and set up home in Southern Spain

    布赖恩决定离开 英国,去西班牙南部定居。

  • The oil company jousts with Esso for lead position in UK sales .

    这家石油公司和埃索公司角逐 英国市场销量的榜首位置。

  • Geographically the UK is on the periphery of Europe while Paris is at the heart of the continent

    从地理位置上讲, 英国处于欧洲边缘,而巴黎却位于欧洲大陆的中心位置。

  • The average UK coal seam is one metre thick .


  • UK organisations are not nourishing their intellectual and emotional capital .


  • In the UK visible imports have traditionally been greater than visible exports .


  • In the UK 254 homes are cabled .


  • This company is the biggest wine e-tailer in the UK .

    这家公司是 英国最大的网络葡萄酒零售商。

  • Despite current price advantage UK manufacturers are still having to scale back production .

    尽管目前在价格上占据优势, 英国生产商还是不得不减少产量。

  • The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike .

    海峡群岛是 英国和法国的帆船运动爱好者夏日最爱去的地方。

  • They now have access to the mass markets of Japan and the UK .

    他们现在进入了日本和 英国的大众市场。

  • UK companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive


  • Legislation will require UK petrol companies to meet an EU specification for petrol .

    法规将要求 英国的汽油公司必须达到欧盟对汽油的规格要求。

  • Health education wisdom in the UK differs from that of the United States


  • The bar chart below shows the huge growth of UK car exports over the past few years .

    下面的柱形图显示了过去几年 英国汽车出口量的大幅增长。

  • If you need to return to the UK quickly British Consular officials may be able to arrange it .

    如果你需要尽快返回 英国,英国领事也许能安排此事。

  • The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe .

    在西欧, 英国女性在15到19岁之间生育率最高。

  • They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from UK soil .

    他们拒绝了将所有核武器从 英国国土上撤除的要求。

  • It is indisputable that birds in the UK are harbouring this illness

    无可争辩的是, 英国的鸟类携带着这种疾病的病菌。

  • A well-known UK supermarket launches more than 1 new product lines each year .

    一家著名的 英国超市每年投放1多种新产品。