ultimate stress

[ˈʌltəmɪt strɛs][ˈʌltimit stres]


  • Ultimate stress method is presented including stress adjusting method compressive area method and stress and settlement decomposition method .

    提出复合桩基沉降计算的 最终 法,包括简化应力调整法、压缩区域分解法和应力与沉降分解法,并给出了两个工程实例。

  • The model reflected the coupling optimization essence in topology optimization matter and effectively averted the puzzle of ultimate stress and singular solution on topology optimization matter .

    该模型反映了拓扑优化问题的耦合优化本质,有效地避免了 极限 和奇解对拓扑优化问题的困扰;

  • Numerous shear predictions have been established by using the effective strain of FRP or introducing an ultimate stress discount coefficient .

    首先用云纹干涉法确定各受损单元的 节点位移,再用有限元分析得到这些单元的真实应变和有效 应变

  • In this way a net sectional ultimate stress for a specimen of given height and material is obtained corresponding to tho crack initiation parameter .

    如果给定试样高度和材料,则存在一个与启裂参数相对应的 极限净截面

  • The results showed that ovariectomy decreased both bone mineral density and the bone ultimate stress .

    研究结果显示,大鼠去势后骨密度和骨 最大 下降;

  • It was the season of ultimate stress .

    这是本赛季的 极限

  • And finally reaches ultimate stress consisting of creep .

    最后计算得出考虑徐变后的 最终

  • For rectangular columns sufficiently confined with external FRP the improvement of ultimate stress and stain is related to the amount of FRP and the shape and characteristics of the cross-section .

    混凝土矩形柱在FRP侧向强约束作用下, 极限 极限应变的提高系数与FRP的包裹量及截面形状、特征有关。

  • The data of the tensile test shows that the values of ultimate stress and strain both are higher than those of yield stress and strain .

    极限 强度和应变都高于屈服点的应力和应变。

  • Your job-search jitters may soon intensify when you confront the ultimate stress test : a panel of interviewers .

    不过当你得知要对付的不是“一位”而是“一队”面试官时,这个求职路上的“ 终极 考验”恐怕会让你紧张的神经更加不堪重负。

  • By studying the mechanics characteristics of the axial compression of the combined structure in the late reinforcement service stage and the restricted condition of the composition materials the predicted expression of the axial compressive ultimate stress of FRP-tube reinforced concrete is concluded .

    通过对组合结构轴心受压后期强化阶段力学特征及组分材料相互约束条件的研究,归纳出FRP管与核心混凝土的轴压 极限 预测公式;

  • Based on the understanding of passive impact of crack induced by fatigue load on ultimate stress and combining the relation of material strength with elastic modulus the paper presents the expression of residual elastic modulus with the form of cumulative damage and analyzes its digital character .

    根据疲劳载荷造成的累积损伤对材料 极限 的影响,结合材料强度与弹性模量之间的关系,给出了结构构件在基于累积损伤下的剩余弹性模量的表达式,并分析了其数字特征。

  • The collagen protein level of acellular vascular matrix was evaluated the elongation ratio and ultimate stress were assayed as well .

    测定脱细胞血管基质中胶原蛋白含量,检测血管脱细胞血管基质的伸长比、 极限

  • This paper presents an idea of ″ equivalent design ″ to find a method to determine reasonable structural ultimate stress when FEM is used to compute structural strength .

    本文应用当量设计的概念,针对这一误区进行了深入研究,揭示了用有限元法进行结构强度计算时,合理确定 极限 的方法与 注意的问题。