ultrasonic wave

[ˌʌltrəˈsɑnɪk wev][ˌʌltrəˈsɔnɪk weiv]


  • The Study and Application of Distance-Measurement System Based on Ultrasonic Wave

    基于 超声波的距离测量系统的研究及其应用

  • Research and implementation of ultrasonic wave computed tomography detection system


  • The biological cells are destroyed and enzyme 's activity is reduced by high intensity ultrasonic wave .

    高强度的 超声会破碎生物的细胞,降低酶活性等;

  • The time it takes for that ultrasonic wave to pass between the sensor and the object is the value for the distance or the position .

    我们根据 超声波在传感器和 检测物体之间传输所花费的时间,就能推算出距离和位置。

  • Research and application of ultrasonic wave cleaning technique in cleaning surgical tool


  • The optimal conditions for circulated extraction of phenylethanoid glycosides from Cistanche deserticola enhanced with ultrasonic wave were investigated .

    研究了循环 超声提取肉苁蓉中苯乙醇糖甙类化合物的工艺条件。

  • Ultrasonic wave was applied in extraction of polysaccharides from dried apricot the content of polysaccharides was served as index .

    利用 超声波 提取杏干多糖,以多糖含量为指标,研究了 超声时间、 超声 功率、料液比对杏干多糖得率的影响。

  • This paper discusses the problem of the acoustic distance compensation in the process of ultrasonic wave flaw detections . The digitized schemes is put forward .

    探讨关于 超声波探伤过程中涉及到的声程补偿问题,并提供出相应的数字化解决方案。

  • The application of ultrasonic wave flowmeter in the measurement of power plant


  • Objective : To study the extraction process of the total triterpenes from Common Selfheal with ultrasonic wave extraction .

    方法:采用正交试验设计方案优化夏枯草中总三萜类成分的 超声提取工艺。

  • Three different extraction methods including conventional solvent extraction ultrasonic wave extraction and microwave-assisted extraction were compared .

    研究对比了常规溶剂浸提、 超声波提取及微波辅助提取等方法对原花青素提取得率的影响。

  • Study of extraction technology of pectin from banana peel by ultrasonic wave


  • Ultrasonic wave has some functions of mechanical mass transfer heating and cavitation .


  • Trifolium pratense isoflavone was extracted with the technique of ultrasonic wave .

    对利用 超声波提取红三叶异黄酮的工艺进行了研究。

  • Research on the Unified Measurement of Flow and Pressure Based on Ultrasonic Wave Hydraulic System


  • Central Composite Design Optimization of the Extraction of Xylose from Brewer 's Spent Grains by Ultrasonic Wave

    中心组合设计法优化 超声波提取啤酒糟中木糖的技术研究

  • This factory has mastered the vanguard technology solved the ultrasonic wave not to be able the normal work common failing .

    本厂掌握了先进技术,解决了 超声波不能正常工作的通病。

  • This paper summarizes the functional mechanism of ultrasonic cavitation and introduces the application of ultrasonic wave technology in aspects of the extraction process emulsification and demulsification membrane polymer synthesis .

    综述了超声空化的作用机理,介绍了 超声波技术在萃取过程、乳化与破乳、膜过程、聚合物合成方面的应用。

  • The mechanical action of ultrasonic wave through coal bed is also analyzed .

    分析了 超声波穿过煤储层时的机械作用。

  • A New Single Beam Laser-Continuous Ultrasonic Wave Method for Air Velocity Measurement

    单束激光-连续 超声波空气流动速度测量方法

  • This waveform generator has been successfully applied in ultrasonic sen-sor to generate high-frequency ultrasonic wave .

    该波形发生器已经成功地应用于 超声波发射换能器中。

  • Not only the B ultrasonic wave can diagnose is pregnant normally but may also diagnose the extra-uterine pregnancy .


  • It is concluded that ultrasonic image can be obtained by using medical converter to convert ultrasonic wave into ultrasonic image .

    超声图像是可以通过示波器来实现的,利用医用换能器和示波器可以将 超声波转换成超声图像。

  • In this paper ultrasonic wave method is used for polysaccharide extraction of Aloe barbadensis Miller flower .

    采用 超声波法提取库拉索芦荟花多糖,对温度、时间、加水量、芦荟花粒度四个工艺条件进行了研究。

  • The new system use an infrared receiving chip named CX20106 to deal with the received ultrasonic wave such as magnification filtering and shaping .

    使用CX20106红外接收芯片对接收的 超声波进行放大,滤波,整形。

  • Study on the Extraction of Pectin from the Raspberry through Ultrasonic Wave Method


  • Design of a high frequency driving circuit of ultrasonic wave transducer

    一种高频 超声波换能器驱动电路的设计

  • Research and Application of Ultrasonic Wave in Nodular Graphite Iron 's Spheroidization Rate Detection


  • Applications of Ultrasonic Wave in the Tightness Testing of Refrigerator Sets

    超声波 检测在制冷机组系统严密性检测中的应用

  • This paper introduces the cavitation of the ultrasonic wave discusses emphatically on the influence of some factors influencing the cavitation on the grain size of the products .

    介绍了 超声波的空化 作用,重点讨论了影响空化的因素对产物粒度的影响。