ultrasonic vibration

[ˌʌltrəˈsɑnɪk vaɪˈbreʃən][ˌʌltrəˈsɔnɪk vaɪˈbreɪʃən]


  • Research on Chip Deformation in Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting With SEM

    超声 振动切削切屑变形的扫描电镜研究

  • Research on the Solidification Structure Refining Laws of Pure Aluminum Under Different Methods of Ultrasonic Vibration


  • Process and Mechanism of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Soldering Glass

    超声波 振动辅助钎焊玻璃工艺及机理研究

  • Test Research of Grinding and Drilling with Ultrasonic Vibration on Hard and Brittle Glasses

    在硬脆材料玻璃上 超声 振动研磨钻孔试验研究

  • Firstly the mechanics analysis of the technology for the conventional and ultrasonic vibration drawing was performed .

    为此,开展 超声 振动拉丝的相关理论和实验研究,具有重要的意义。

  • In order to clarify the effects of ultrasonic vibration on wire drawing process an experimental research of copper wire drawing with utilization of ultrasonic vibration was conducted .

    为了搞清超声波在拔丝加工中产生降载效应的 机理,在自制的 超声波 拔丝装置上对黄铜丝进行了一系列冷拔加工的实验。

  • The Applications of Ultrasonic Vibration on Machining Technologies for Nonmetal Hard and Brittle Materials

    超声 振动在非金属硬脆材料加工中的应用

  • Design and Testing of a New Type of Rotary Ultrasonic Vibration Spindle

    一种新型回转 超声 振动主轴的设计及测试

  • Ultrasonic vibration technology was used to extract loosely sorbed phosphorus fraction in the sediments from Guanting Reservoir .

    超声技术提取沉积物样品中松散结合态磷,并与 振荡提取结果进行比较。

  • Study on the Grinding Surface Temperature of Ultrasonic Vibration Aided Face Grinding

    超声 振动辅助端面磨削表面温度场研究

  • Study on Form of Tool Wear with Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting SiC_P / Al Composites

    超声 振动切削SiCP/Al复合材料的刀具磨损形态研究

  • Study of the Effect of Vibration Amplitude on Cutting Force in Precision Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting


  • Effects of bonding pressure on nonlinear dynamic behavior of an ultrasonic vibration

    键合压力对 超声 系统非线性混沌特性的影响

  • The mechanical behavior of materials subjected to ultrasonic vibration is different from the normal .

    超声波 振动下材料的力学行为不同常态。

  • Design and analysis of ultrasonic vibration micromanipulator system

    超声 振动机器人系统的设计与分析

  • During machining ultrasonic vibration of workpiece can improve the machining process .

    在加工过程中,通过 超声波 振动,工件加工工艺得到改善。

  • In the axial ultrasonic vibration drilling the solid horn 's design is very important for implementing the system resonance .

    在轴向 超声 振动钻削中,要实现整个 系统的谐振,变幅杆的设计至关重要。

  • Relative Theory and Experimental Research on the Wire Drawing Using Ultrasonic Vibration

    超声 振动拉丝相关理论及其实验研究

  • Experimental Research on Optimization of Process Parameters in Ultrasonic Vibration Honing

    超声 振动珩磨工艺参数优化的试验研究

  • In order to investigate the effect of ultrasonic vibration on the mechanical properties of materials a set of testing instrument under ultrasonic vibration was developed .

    为了研究 超声波 振动对材料力学性能的影响,设计并研制了一套超声波振动下材料的力学性能实验装置。

  • Design of Micro-feeding Powder Device by Ultrasonic Vibration Capillary and Experimental Study

    超声 振动毛细管微量给粉装置设计及实验研究

  • The motion process of an abrasive grit during face grinding is analyzed based on the motion diagram of ultrasonic vibration assisted grinding .

    根据 超声 振动辅助磨削运动图,分析了平面磨削时单颗磨粒的运动过程;

  • Through a series of drawing experiments of brass wires the effects of ultrasonic vibration on drawing force and surface quality of the wires were discussed .

    系统由 超声波驱动器、 换能器变幅 、拉丝模、拉伸机等组成,通过对黄铜丝的拉拔实验,考察了 超声 振动对拉拔力和丝的表面质量的影响。

  • Study on Ductile Grinding Character of Nano ZrO_2 Ceramics using Ultrasonic Vibration Grinding

    纳米ZrO2陶瓷的 超声 振动延性域磨削特性研究

  • Simulation and Study of Ultrasonic Vibration Propagation in Wire Bonding System

    超声 振动在引线键合系统中的传播仿真与研究

  • Effect of Ultrasonic Vibration on Graphite Morphology in Eutectic Grey Cast Iron

    超声波 振动对共晶灰铸铁中石墨形态的影响

  • In ultrasonic honing gear is the manufacturing objects ; it also is the loads of ultrasonic vibration system .

    在超声波珩齿的研究过程中,齿轮是超声珩齿的加工对象,也是 超声 振动系统中的负载。

  • Design and Application on Control System for Technology of Ultrasonic Vibration Aided Electrical Discharge Grinding Process

    超声 振动辅助磨削&脉冲放电复合加工控制系统设计及应用

  • Study on the Design of Ultrasonic Vibration Internal Grinding System Shaft Based on FEM ;

    针对内圆磨床 噪声高速电主轴设计的诸多关键问题进行了探讨。

  • Research and Establishment on Ultrasonic Vibration Grinding Experiment System of Hard Brittle Materials

    硬脆材料 超声 振动磨削实验系统的建立及其实验研究