


  • The content of soil ulmin and the entire nitrogen have slightly rise ;

    土壤 有机 、全氮含量略有上升;

  • Reuse of the straw stalk can enhance the ulmin in soil improve soil structure and increase soil fertility . But under the different crop assortment and different production level condition the functions of the straw stalk give the soil fertility different interferences .

    秸秆 还田可以提高土壤 有机 、改善土壤结构、增加土壤肥力,但不同作物品种不同产量水平条件下秸秆还田对土壤肥力产生的作用有所不同。

  • Rhizosphere soil ulmin the alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen the effective phosphorus content of the intercropping corn and the intercropping soybean is higher than correspondingly monocropping crops .

    间作玉米和间作大豆根际土壤 有机 、碱解氮、有效磷含量高于相应单作作物。