ulnar fracture


  • Objective : To expore the prevention of ulnar nerve injury during fixation of supracondylar fracture in children by a medial-lateral three-pin fixation technique .

    结论:内外髁三针交叉固定术是一种稳定而可靠的治疗不稳定髁上 骨折方法,术中 神经损伤完全可以避免。

  • Incomplete debride could lead to infection . Cubitus varus mostly related to the ulnar deviation of the fracture and cubitus valgus was owing to incorrect reduction of fracture .

    结论血管损伤多为骨折断端刺激和压迫肱动脉, 神经损伤由于 神经挫伤、牵拉和 压迫引起,感染 清创不彻底,肘内翻大部分系 偏型 骨折,肘外翻由于骨折矫正不当所致;

  • Trifin nail and osseous pin are used to treat ulnar fracture

    三棱针加骨圆针内固定治疗 尺骨 骨折

  • Method : The model of adult rabbits ulnar fracture were made and treated with TGF - β and BMP respectively or in combination in the fracture site . Fracture healing was evaluated by radiograph biomechanical tests measurements of geometric parameters of bone and calcium content in callus .

    方法:用兔 尺骨 骨折模型,在骨折局部单独或联合应用TGF-β和BMP,通过X线片观察、生物力学、骨几何参数和骨痂钙含量测定对骨折愈合进行评估。

  • The author suggests that the conceptual range of Hume fracture be expanded to juxtaarticular ulnar fracture or olecranal fracture of children combined subluxation and dislocation of head of radius to various directions .

    作者提出扩大Hume骨折的概念范围为:小儿 尺骨近段或鹰嘴骨折,合并桡骨头各方向的脱位或半脱位。

  • A preliminary exploration of relationship among mechanism of injury fixation and biomechanics was done on 36 cases of extensive ulnar deviation type of low site supracondylar fracture of humerus . They were treated with tradition manipulation plus Chinese herb therapy to maintain better recovery of elbow function .

    对36例 直尺偏型低位肱骨髁上 骨折的创伤机制和固定与生物力学关系进行初步探讨,并运用传统手法加中药治疗,促使肘关节功能恢复良好,无肘内翻32例,占88.9%。

  • Objective To investigate the feasibility and the curative effect of internal fixation with closed Kirschner wires in the sulcus for ulnar nerve and epicondylus lateralis of humerus in the treatment of Gartland ⅲ supracondylar fracture of humerus in children .

    目的探讨 神经沟置针与桡侧克氏针交叉固定治疗儿童GartlandⅢ型肱骨髁上 骨折的可行性及疗效。

  • Clinical application of shape memory alloy system for the treatment of ulnar and radial fracture

    形状记忆合金 桡骨固定系统的临床应用

  • The Relationship between the Ulnar Styloid Fracture and Distal Radioulnar Joint Stability : A Finite Element Study

    尺骨茎突 骨折与下尺桡关节稳定性关系的有限元分析

  • Percutaneous ulnar intramedullary nail fixation for treatment of malunion in forearm fracture of child

    皮尺骨髓内针固定治疗儿童前臂 骨折畸形愈合

  • The combined TCM and WM Treatment of ulnar corocoid process fracture : a therapeutic-effect observation

    中西医结合治疗 尺骨冠状突 骨折疗效观察

  • Annular ligament can not be repaired in fresh fracture cases or delayed fractures well fixed the ulnar fracture replace the annular ligament with a forearm deep fascia can still expect good results .

    环状韧带不能修复的新鲜骨折或者陈旧性 孟氏 骨折,在 尺骨良好复位固定的情况下,用前臂深筋膜代替环状韧带,仍能期望良好的治疗效果。

  • The observing group compared with A or B control groups has remarkable difference on improvement of anomaly palmaris inclination angle of ulnar drift and the effect in treatment of colles fracture ( P < 0.05 ) .

    观察组治疗后在畸形症状、掌倾角、 偏角改善及临床疗效方面较对照C及D组有显著性差异(P<0.05),有 统计学意义。

  • Internal fixation with memory-shaped alloy embracing device for nonunion of radial and ulnar fracture

    形状记忆合金环抱式接骨板治疗 桡骨骨不连

  • The ulnar fracture and radial head dislocation should be anatomical reduced . And the ulnar should be concerned about deformity and radial head about subluxation or dislocation during follow-up .

    中应该解剖复位 尺骨 骨折和桡骨头脱位,在随访中应该关注尺骨畸形和桡骨头半脱位或者脱位的问题。

  • The research of clinical nursing integrated Traditional and Western Medicine after the internal fixation of the whirbone scleroma Treatment of postoperative nonunion of ulnar fracture with interlocking intramedullary nailing

    髌骨环内固定术后中西医结合护理的临床研究交锁髓内钉内固定术治疗 尺骨 骨折术后骨不连

  • Internal Fixation with Kirschner Wires in Sulcus for Ulnar Nerve in Treatment of Gartland ⅲ Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus in Children

    神经沟置针治疗儿童GartlandⅢ型肱骨髁上 骨折

  • Clinical research of manual reduction in the treatment of distal part of radius and ulnar fracture with radius back malposition

    手法整复治疗 桡骨下段 骨折背向移位的临床研究

  • Prevention of lated ulnar nerve palsy following operation for medial humeral epicondylar fracture in children

    儿童肱骨内上髁 骨折术后迟发性 神经炎的预防

  • Impaired Forearm Supination after Treatment of Ulnar Olecranon Fracture by Transcortical Tension - band - Wiring Technique

    经双皮质克氏针张力带治疗 尺骨鹰嘴 骨折术后前臂旋后功能障碍

  • Thirty-six cases of children 's distal radial fracture with distal ulnar fracture are reported in this paper .

    报告儿童桡骨远端骨折背向移住并 尺骨远端 骨折36例。

  • According to the analysis of clinical data the author suggests the following methods : 1 First reduce ulnar fracture and then the head of radius in order to correct the space between ulna and radius and create conditions for the reduction of the head of radius .

    作者对临床资料分析认为:(1)先整复 尺骨 骨折,再整复桡骨头,可使变异了的近尺桡间隙得到纠正,为桡骨头的复位创造条件。