



  • Separation and Concentration of Ganoderma Polysaccharides by Using Hollow Fiber Ultrafilter

    利用中空纤维 超滤分离和浓缩灵芝多糖

  • Studies of Ultrafiltration Property in Preparing Injections from Chinese Medicinal Herbs by J-48 Ultrafilter


  • Every filter is contained in a maximal filter called ultrafilter .

    每个滤 包含在一个极大的滤 ,一个极大滤 称为一个 超滤

  • The distilled caprine and swine placental peptide was prepared by ultrafilter and identified by improved Tricine-SDS-PAGE eletrophoresis with urea in the experiment .

    利用超滤 从羊和猪的胎盘中提取胎盘肽,用改良的加脲 Tricine-SDS-PAGE电泳法对其进行初步定性鉴定。

  • To investigate the therapeutic efficacy and economic analysis of ultrafilter concentration in refractory ascites .

    研究腹水 超滤 浓缩腹腔 治疗难治性腹水的临床疗效并进行经济学评价。

  • The plasma was incubated with 1 % TNBP / 1 % Triton X 100 for 4 h. at 30 ℃ . The SD reagents were removed by reverse-phase chromatography and ultrafilter from treated plasma .

    血浆内加入1%TNBP/1%TritonX100℃保温4h后用反相层析和 超滤去除血浆中的TNBP和TritonX100。

  • The removal of emulsified by polysulphone hollow fiber membrane ultrafilter was described in this paper .

    用聚砜膜制成的中空纤维 超滤 ,对不同浓度乳化油废水进行过滤。

  • Technology for Producing soybean Protein Isolates with Hollow Fibre Ultrafilter

    中空纤维 超滤 生产大豆分离蛋白的工艺研究

  • In this paper the method of recovering indanthrene dye with PS-1 type ultrafilter made by ourselves is described .

    本文叙述了用自制PS-1型 超滤 回收士林染料的方法。

  • Study on Application of Hollow Fiber Ultrafilter in Separating Protein from Rapeseed Meal

    中空纤维 滤膜分离菜籽饼粕中蛋白质的试验

  • Conclusion : Ultrafilter condensation and importation of ascites is a economical and effective method to treat obstinate ascites .

    结论: 超滤 浓缩 消除腹水又有节省 蛋白 双重效果,是 临床上治疗顽固性腹水的一种有效方法。

  • This idempotent ultrafilter enables us to find an appropriate infinite set .

    这个幂等的 超滤 能使我们找到一个适当的无限集。

  • He also manages a company and made his first ever bungee jump in Australia in 1994 . Every filter is contained in a maximal filter called ultrafilter .

    1994年,他在澳大利亚第一次体验了蹦极。每个滤 包含在一个极大的滤 ,一个极大滤 称为一个 超滤

  • Objective To investigate the therapy effect of obstinate ascites by ultrafilter condensation importation . ascites ;

    目的比较腹水 超滤 浓缩 与传统方法治疗肝硬化难治性腹水的疗效、 并发症住院 时间住院 费用的差别。

  • Objective A method to prevent hypokalemia caused by the usage of ultrafilter during Cardiopulmonary Bypass ( CPB ) was found out .

    目的防治心内直视手术中应用 超滤 后低血钾。

  • Are there any countable bases of a non-principal ultrafilter on a Countable set ?

    可列无限集上的非主 超滤 有没有可数基呢?

  • The samples treated by ultrafilter can be determined directly and the proposed method is simple easy operation no pollution and little interference .

    该方法仪器简单,操作方便,无污染且干扰小,样品经 超滤可直接测定。

  • This paper introduced the typical equipment and their running process and their optimizing of low energy consumption ultrafilter membrane .

    本文介绍了 半死 滤膜 技术的典型设备和运行工艺及其优化。

  • The kinetics parameters in the test such as pH temperature enzyme and substrates concentration etc. were also studied with the ultrafilter made by us .

    试验中,对温度、pH、酶及 底物浓度变化动力学参数进行了 初步探讨, 试验 重复性好。

  • The Prospect of Ultrafilter Membrane Technology in the Field of Water Treatment

    滤膜技术在21 世纪水处理领域的展望

  • It has been reported in this article the performance and technical specification of MTC autocontrol CED ultrafilter .

    报道了MTC自控型阴极电泳漆 超滤 装置的性能指标及其综合性能。

  • The antigenic solutions of Newcastle Disease virus ( NDV ) infectious bronchitis virus ( IBV ) egg-drop syndrome virus ( EDSV ) and infectious bursal disease virus ( IBDV ) were respectively concentrated by 10 times or more with the ultrafilter condensing technique in this study .

    本研究通过 超滤浓缩技术对鸡新城疫病毒、传染性支气管炎病毒、产蛋下降综合症病毒和传染性法氏囊病病毒的尿囊液进行了10倍或10倍以上的浓缩处理。

  • Washing process after CED painting and derivation process of calculation equation for liquid volume through ultrafilter

    电泳涂装后清洗问题及 超滤 透过液量计算公式的导出方法

  • In our experiment the distilled bovine caprine and swine placental peptides were prepared by ultrafilter ;

    1实验结果证明,利用 超滤法制备的家畜&牛、羊和猪胎盘肽为无色或微带黄色的 透明液体, 具有 透析性, 超滤性。

  • The results show that this ultrafilter is efficient on concentration and its filtration speed is high .

    结果表明, 中空 纤维 超滤 具有截留 、总 通量大、浓缩效果 等到优点。

  • The extract of Herba Epimedii was treated with alcohol macroporous resin ultrafilter and clarification agent . Those treatment methods were compared in the content of Icariin in the treated extract .

    本文用醇 超滤 、大孔树脂吸附法和吸附澄清法对淫羊藿的水提液进行了精制,并以精制后浸膏中淫羊藿苷含量为指标,对4种精制方法进行了比较。

  • Technique Study on Treatment of Waste Emulsion with Modified PVDF Hollow Fiber Ultrafilter Membranes

    改性聚偏氟乙烯中空纤维 滤膜处理乳化液废水