


  • By adding Apache to the mix you can also easily provide unauthenticated read-only access to public shared directories .

    通过将Apache添加到混合环境中,还可以方便地提供对公共共享目录 身份 验证的只读访问。

  • But if the partner is remote then CICS does not directly trust the partner to assert unauthenticated user IDs unless it identifies itself with a trusted digital certificate .

    但是如果伙伴系统位于远程端,CICS则不直接委托合作伙伴声明 身份 验证的用户ID,除非它使用受信任的数字证书进行自我标识。

  • For unauthenticated pages WebSphere Portal V5.1 maintains compatibility with earlier releases in which these pages were cacheable and administered with only globally working parameters .

    对于 身份 验证的页面,WebSpherePortalV5.1将保持与较早版本的兼容性,在早期版本中,这些页面都是可以缓存的,只由全局工作参数进行管理。

  • Do that and ensure that the unauthenticated principal can see these views .

    并且证明这些 没有 认证的用户能够看这些视图。

  • This means that all network links are unencrypted and unauthenticated .

    这意味着所有网络链接都是不加密和不 经过 身份 验证的。

  • Since the search feed is public you can also query it using any unauthenticated HTTP client .

    由于搜索提要是公共的,所以您也可以使用任何 身份 认证的HTTP客户端查询它。

  • Present a login page whenever an unauthenticated user tries to access a protected resource .

    当一个 验证的用户试图访问受保护的资源时,提供一个登录页面。

  • This is to prevent a new unauthenticated client from reusing an old authenticated connection to the remote component that is associated with a previous client 's authentication credentials .

    这用于防止 验证 身份的新客户端重用到远程组件(该组件与以前的客户端身份验证凭证关联)的已验证身份的旧连接。

  • MAC address spoofing is detected using sequence number analysis method and unauthenticated access on wireless network is monitored .

    采用序列号分析法对MAC地址欺骗进行检测,从而对无线网络的 授权访问进行监控。

  • On most public and unauthenticated pages sessions are not usually required .

    在大多数公共页面和 身份 验证的页面上,通常不需要会话。

  • Public . expires & The cache expiration time ( in seconds ) for remote caches and for unauthenticated pages only .

    expires&远程缓存的缓存过期时间(以秒为单位),只针对 身份 验证的用户。

  • Allow unauthenticated access for all remote clients

    对所有远程客户允许 身份 验证的访问

  • Since no security is configured for any of the EJB methods all the methods are accessible and are invoked as an Unauthenticated user .

    由于没有为任何EJB方法配置安全性,因此所有方法都可访问,并以 身份 验证的用户进行调用。

  • Another attribute that may contribute to the overall cache information is whether or not a request is unauthenticated .

    另一个可能提供总体缓存信息的属性就是请求是否为 身份 验证的请求。

  • You can avoid this vulnerability either by having an unauthenticated printer or by having a special user for printing alone .

    通过使用不需要 身份 验证的打印机,或者设置一个只用于打印的特殊用户,可以避免这个漏洞。

  • For example when a user browse a web page with Java Applet code Applet might be downloaded and run in Java runtime environment automatically without notifying users but Applet maybe comes from unauthenticated sites .

    例如,用户在浏览一个嵌入JAVA applet的网页时候,网页上的Applet程序可能会被浏览器自动下载到本地并且在本地Java运行环境里运行。

  • In V6.1 and earlier this is an unauthenticated protocol by default .

    在V6.1和以前的版本中,在默认情况下这是未 经过 身份 验证的协议。

  • Viewed from the BPC explorer the originator or task owner will be UNAUTHENTICATED .

    从BPC浏览器查看,发起者或任务所有者将是 UNAUTHENTICATED

  • Then grant this role to the unauthenticated principal ( anybody ) and verify that this principal can indeed access these views .

    然后把这个角色授予给 没有 认证的主体(任何人)并且修改这个主体能够真正地访问这些视图。

  • Public . session & Specifies whether a session shall be established even for the unauthenticated ( anonymous ) user .

    session&指定即使对于 身份 验证的(匿名)用户,是否也应创建会话。

  • The unauthenticated session problem just described is an example of an outcome that can result if a Domino server is forced to go beyond reasonable expectations .

    如果Domino服务器被迫承担超出合理范围的压力,就可能产生严重的后果,上面描述的 身份 验证的会话问题就是这种问题的示例。

  • This will redirect unauthenticated users to the login screen and show users access denied screens if applicable .

    这将 验证的用户重定向到登录屏幕,显示屏幕的用户访问被拒绝如果适用。

  • Even when security is enabled the deployment manager continues to communicate configuration updates to the node agents using an unauthenticated protocol .

    即使启用了安全性,部署管理器仍然使用未 经过 身份 验证的协议向节点代理发送配置更新。

  • More precisely node agents pull admin configuration updates from the deployment manager using an unauthenticated file transfer service .

    更准确地说,节点代码使用未 经过 身份 验证的文件传输服务从部署管理器获取管理配置更新。

  • Certificates you create yourself are considered unauthenticated and will generate a warning in the Security Warning box if the security level is set to High or Medium .

    自己创建的证书被视为是 验证的,如果安全级别设置为“高”或“中”,则将在“安全警告”框中生成警告。

  • If you get this message and Gerrit is still complaining that you are unauthenticated check the user name matches the username specified in the settings page .

    如果Gerrit还是说你未 身份 验证,检查用户名和配置页面里的用户名是否一致。

  • ( Don 't forget to allow unauthenticated users to search for blog entries by adding the search action to the beforeInterceptor . )

    (别忘了要允许 身份 验证的用户通过向beforeInterceptor添加search动作来进行博客条目的搜索。)