xylem rays

[医] 木射线

  • Xylem rays are mostly uniseriate with 1-11 ( 2-5 ) cells in height and 65-70 rays per mm ~ 2 in density among which nodular and indenture structure is apparent .


  • According to the arrangement of phloem and xylem shape of xylem and the Arranging way of xylem rays the midrib bundles were divided into five forms :( 1 ) amphicribral round bundle ;

    根据中脉维管束结构特点:木质部与韧皮部的位置,木质部的形状, 射线排列的方式,可分为5个类型:(1)圆形 周韧维管束;

  • Secondary xylem consists of pitted vessels parenchyma fibers and rays .

    次生 木质 由孔纹导管、薄壁组织及 射线所组成。